Rise and Shine

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Of course the grey area between sleep and consciousness is not the ideal state in which to consider the things one can be grateful for but it's good practice to try and harness a shred of positivity as soon as humanly possible when the day begins.

It's only after that first bit of caffeine makes its way into the bloodstream and the obligatory cigarette that accompanies it that things become clearer. After a good shit, a shave, and a shower I begin to resemble a human of sorts. Then I've made a habit of thinking of at least one thing I should be grateful for. It is a necessary exercise for me. All of the mood altering prescription drugs in the world will not work (at least for me) unless I take a few minutes to set my grievances aside and contemplate how the rolling bones have come to a stop in my favor.

First of all I woke up. I woke up with reasonable health and was able to put both feet on the floor. In the darker days I would avoid this. I'd keep my eyes closed for as long as possible and stay in bed until either the need to empty my bladder or get "fixed up" made it absolutely necessary for me to rise.

I do my best to not let the world or the more annoying of its inhabitants let my heart grow cold. When I suggest that you make the very best of the hand you're dealt I say this knowing very well that some are on the receiving end of some very shitty cards. There will always be someone who has it worse than you.

We all have our ordeals and they vary in severity. You'd be surprised by how simply keeping this in mind when encountering your less-than -savory fellow earthlings can alleviate so many woes. Remember, this is more about how you view the world and your place in it than how they do.

Sometimes when this morning exercise fails to do the trick I think of people with greater character who are facing larger obstacles than I and who do so with nary a whimper. And if all else fails think of an adversary who has suffered a misfortune and crow over it. Yeah, I know, that may sound a bit distasteful but in those dark moments one must harness some light however possible. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2016 ⏰

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