Chapter Six

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Monday morning brought surprising news, Ivory hardly read the Daily Prophet these days, finding that it never said anything good or lighthearted; it was either Sirius Black, the Ministry, Azkaban and denying Voldemort's return.

Ivory poured over the book Trelawney had given her, she had to say, she was learning much more than the little that was available in the library, she was even beginning to understand that even love could present itself in the form of ancient magic, perhaps that was why Harry had it surrounding him, his mother's love and sacrifice had protected him from death.

"What the hell is a high inquisitor?" Fabiola frowned biting into her toasted waffles. Ivory paused a spoonful of cereal midway towards her mouth, she placed her spoon back into her bowl and snatched the Daily Prophet from Fabiola and glanced at it herself.

Written in bold letter across the page was:


"You've got to be shitting me," Ivory muttered with a shake of her head before handing the paper back to Fabiola.

"What does that even mean?" Fabiola blinked.

"It means she's got some sort of high position at Hogwarts under Professor Dumbledore but above all the other staff, a bit like her undersecretary to the Minister of Magic job," Ivory explained, she couldn't believe they had allowed her to acquire such a position, she was in charge of not only students, but other teachers as well? Teachers like McGonagall, Flitwick and Snape, who had been at the school for the better half of their lives? "Maybe this world is truly going to the dogs," she said more to herself, reiterating her father's sentiments, although not in favour of his ideologies.

"Can't believe she's got power over the other Professors, could you imagine her telling McGonagall what to do?" Fabiola snorted and Ivory hummed in agreement as Fabiola continued to read aloud where she'd left off in which she informed that Umbridge would now have the power and right to sit in lessons being taught; to see if they were meeting Ministry standards, although Ivory was sure this was just Umbridge's own personal standards.

Ivory was more than relieved to find that Umbridge wouldn't be visiting the fifth year History of Magic lesson nor the Potions class for Slytherin and Gryffindor that day, she took her seat by Fabiola on the table they shared with Neville and Dean. Theodore had  thankfully returned to his usual spot beside Blaise and Draco on the other side of the classroom.

Snape handed her essay to her and Ivory was pleased to see an 'E' at the top of her paper.

"I have awarded you the grades you would have received if you presented this work in your OWL," Snape said with a hint of amusement in his voice. "This should give you a realistic idea of what to expect in the examination." Once he got to the front of the classroom he turned around to face a majority of the disappointed faces. "The general standard of this homework was abysmal. Most of you would have failed had this been your examination. I expect to see a great deal more effort for this week's essay on the various varieties of venom antidotes, or I shall have to start handing out detentions to those dunces who get a 'D' ," he continued.

"Some people got a 'D'? Ha!" Malfoy laughed and Ivory rolled her eyes.

"Show us what you got? Quickly?!" Ivory called over to him, he scowled and shoved his essay into his bag away from prying eyes, clearly he hadn't done as well as he wanted to.

Snape presented the instructions to Strengthening Solution on the blackboard and gave them an hour and a half to complete it.


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