002 Villain experience

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Nova's outfit

Nova's outfit

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Nova's hair

Nova's shoes

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Nova's shoes

"Oh and this one time I made hundred clones of myself so I could rob a hundred banks at once" Vic said as I came into the living room

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"Oh and this one time I made hundred clones of myself so I could rob a hundred banks at once" Vic said as I came into the living room. "Yea it was all fun and games  until one of his clones got weird and forced us to call him papa" Jake said. "What about that time Amy used her sonic scream to distract caption valor so Jake could crush him with a bolder?" I smiled. "That sounds violent" Hartley told me. "It was" Amy looked in awe. "So where was Colby  while you're all doing those horrible things" Hartley asked. "We left him with the babysitter" I chuckled."wait supervillains use babysitters?" Hartley questioned. "Ok fine we left him home to play with the rats" Vic admitted. "I say I'm horrified but from what you know about you that's pretty on brand" Hartley nodded, "hearing these stories just reminds me that I never got to be a villain" Colby said. "I've waited my whole life to get a power so I could prove that I'm not just the run of the family and now I'll will never even get a chance to fight with the rest of you" Colby said. "Yeah that's rough who wants to do a puzzle" Vic ignored Colby. "If your trying to fight a new look that ain't it"i said sitting on the top of the couch. "I was looking for a clean pair of socks In the laundry and this happened the dry Texas heat wave must be affecting my electrical power" Eva explained. "All you need is love?" Amy read. "Hartley how did your shirt get in our laundry?" Amy asked. "That's not mine" Hartley told Amy. "It could be anyone's" Jake said grabbing the  shirt. "Of course it's yours" I rolled my eyes. "Eva you better get cleaned up I ran into our neighbor Mr. Tennyson at the store he said he's gonna swing by with a housewarming cheese platter" Vic said, "ok why would you let a complete stranger  invite himself over?" I asked. "Nova where you not listening? Free cheese" Vic said. "You can't say no when mr Tennyson wants to visit he's head of the neighborhood watch and he checks up on everyone who moves in around here" Hartley said. "Then we better be carful we don't wanna make him suspicious about us" i said looking at Amy. "Don't worry nov we'll let him in we'll take his cheese and then we'll send him on his way" Vic told her. "And then we'll tell him we're gonna return his plate but we never will" Eva said as Vic laughed. "Now that right there that's weird" Jake pointed. "Relax Jake we know how to act normal"Eva told her son before Vic's socks went on her head. "Well save me some cheese" I said getting up. "Hey what are you two up to?" Amy asked. "Shh" me and Jake said. "Let's see what else can I shape shift Into?" Colby asked himself."oh I know" he said turning into a chainsaw. "Stand back superheroes or I'll chainsaw you as soon as I learn how to pull my own starter cord" he said turning back."this is lame I wish I could be a real villain" he said. "Damn poor kid can't even pull his own cord" I said. "I feel so bad for him he never even got a villain name or a suit" Amy said, "aw listen to you thinking about someone other then yourself" Jake smiled. " I have to do it every once in a while to make the selfishness pop" Amy said. "All he wants is too be a villain there's gotta be a way we can make that happen even for a day" me and Amy said. "Look I feel bad too but we're on the run so we can't hey at least he's not sitting around playing with the rats" Jake said, "randy? Is that you old friend?" Colby said crawling to randy. "Yeah we got to help this kid" Jake told us. "So this is my big surprise? A school date on a Saturday? Babe I canceled plans with Randy the rat for this I'm out of here" Colby said about to leave. "Halt evil doer it is i the honorable caption valor, and I'm here to make you pay for the villainous crimes" Jake said. "Hey Jake" Colby said. "How did you know it was me?" Jake said in shock. "Same shoes, lame costume, and I never met him but I'm pretty sure caption valor  doesn't wear harry styles cologne" Colby pointed out. "He might" Jake said. "Jake what is this?" Amy asked. "It's what the three of us talked about, Colby's villain experience" Jake told the two girls, "well who gave you total control of the planning?" I asked crossing my arms. "You two did you two literally said take care of it we don't wanna do it any of the work" Jake said, "yeah that does sound like us" Amy said. "What do you mean my villain experience?" Colby asked, "we knew you were bummed about never getting to be a villain so Jake nova and me wanted to give you a break from the otherwise pointless life" Amy smiled. "And congratulations, Colby you just completed your first villain deed, breaking into private property" Jake said. "The door was unlocked we just opened it and walked in I mean that's not even breaking and entering that's just entering" Colby told Jake. "Well the cleaning crew just went on break so time for us to have some fun, ooh but not too much fun  we don't wanna make a mess for them" Jake told. "I'm going home to play with the  rat" Colby said walking away. "No! Colby wait"I  said. "We brought you here to be a villain so go head knock this clown on his butt" I smirked, "really? I can take all my years of frustration out of Jake?" Colby asked, "yup and you can take some of mines and Amy's too" I fake smiled "okay what can I shape shift into that'll hurt him the Most? A rocket launcher? Or a flame thrower?" He asked. "A picture from his leather pants face" Amy smiled. "You know what why talk about hurting him when we could just do it?" I said as me and Amy used our sonic blast. "Nova Amy you're supposed to let him do it" Jake said, "sorry" I faked apologized, "we're not sorry" I laughed. "Okay so if we're gonna play that game how about a little villain training?" Jake turned to Colby "since you never been in a battle before here's a tip best way to attack your opponents is" Jake said using his super strength to knock Amy and nova down. "To catch them off guard" Jake said. "Good one but here's a better one" I said using my sonic blast after I helped Amy up. "Aw even the losers get a trophy" Amy chuckled hive fiving me. "That's it you two are going down" Jake said standing up as I scoffed. "We're gonna use that cape to mop the floor with you" Amy said. "Please don't it's a rental" Jake said. "Let's do this" i smirked. "I thought you three said this was about me?" Colby asked, "not now Colby the grown-ups are fighting" Jake said as he grabbed a bench throwing at me and Amy before we dodged it as it hit Colby. "Uh oh" I said walking over. "Looks like the cleaning crew is gonna be working overtime" Amy said.

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