003 Break ups

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"Colby are you okay?" Jake asked. "No he's not okay you just attacked my boyfriend" I walked over to Jake. "Well I was aiming for you two so technically it's your guy's fault for jumping out of the way" Jake said. "You're all to blame now could someone please do something about my leg it really hurts" Colby said. "Do we take him to the hospital?" I suggested. "We can't they'll ask too many questions" jake told me. " that could expose our secret" Amy finished, "plus hospitals make me feel guilty I've put a lot of people in them"I looked at him "why doesn't Colby just shape shift into an animal and we take him to the vet?" I suggested, "I mean I have caught him more than one occasion  licking himself" I looked at Colby. "That's actually not a bad idea nova that way they can fix his leg without us getting caught" Amy smiled at me. "No way I am not doing that" Colby said, "ok I'll fix your leg then" I smirked as I put my hands on his leg. "Ow fuck you!" He cried. "Colby rude!" Amy yelled. "Ok I'm sorry but if I'm gonna turn into an animal it's gonna be something rad" I looked confused. "Hi we're here to have our pet looked at" Jake smiled, "okay what kind of animal is it?" The front desk guy asked, "it's a bobcat" I said, "we don't take bobcats" he said, "ok then it's a turtle" I smiled."ugh come on how long does it take to fix a turtle leg?" I groaned. "Well Colby can be shy  maybe he won't come out of his shell" Jake joked. "Excuse me any chance you could put him down" Amy asked. "How is he?" I asked. "Your turtle is fine it's just a small leg sprain" the lady said, "are you sure? He seemed pretty shell shocked" I rolled my eyes. "Kid my job is hard enough" she said, "Jake just pay the lady so we can take our turtle and get out of here" i said. "I'm sorry but I can't let you do that" the lady said, "why not? I thought you said he was fine" Amy questioned. "He is but in Texas that turtle is considered to be a Rare breed, which means you can't keep him as a pet I'm sorry but animal control is on their way to pick him up" she said.
"Hey nova wait I wanna take to you" Colby said as he grabbed my arm. "Why you made yourself pretty clear when you said we're over so why do you still care" I asked, "l-look I know I hurt your feeling i". "Hurt my feelings?! My feelings were already hurt when you made fun of me because my parents were dead you made fun of me for the way I dress the way I look like just tell you from the start that you didn't wanna be with me!" I cried, "I-I didn't know how to tell you" he stumbled. "Whatever i'm gonna be in my room crying in my fucking pillows" I walked upstairs slamming the door. "Colby what did you do?" Amy and Jake walked towards him. "That is my best friend besides Hartley you just hurt her watch your back Colby because you may lost your girlfriend but now you lost your sister I can't believe you" Amy said walking to nova's room.

Devil inside of me Colby maddenWhere stories live. Discover now