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Chapter 7: Who are you?

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Chapter 7: Who are you?

"Miss Jennette, the duke has called for you." The maid said, entering the room. Jennette stretched.
"I'll be out in a minute." She called. It had been 1 month since her arrival. She's gotten much more comfortable with the place. Tho...she had been suffering from mild headaches for a while. She's been fainting a lot, so schedules have been postponed a lot. The doctor comes in every now in then. It shouldn't be normal for her to be exhausted this much. Especially if her classes are rather short. Jennette got changed and made her way to the dukes room.

"Duke Agriche? You wanted to see me?" She knocked.
"Come in," his deep voice said. Jennette entered and stood still. Even tho she's been here for 1 month, she's still frightened by the duke. "Charlottes 16th birthday is coming up. I was wondering if you can help organize it." He said. Jennette gleamed.
"I'd be happy to!" Jennette smiled. She soon realized what happened. She immediately fixed herself. "Ahem...I mean, I'd be happy to organize Lady Charlottes' Birthday." She said, much more calmly. Jennette stood there for a minute before the duke came to talk again.

"Roxana will be helping you, don't worry." He said.
"Ah..alright!" Jennette exclaimed.
"I'll be taking care of the invitations. Just make sure the party's nice." He said, going back to his paperwork.
"Yes, sir," she curtsied.

          Jennette had time before her lesson, but she normally liked to be early. She hurried into the hallway and navigated her way through the building.
Jennette stopped as she turned a corner. A man she had never seen before looked at her through the window. 'Shit,' he thought looking panicked. Jennette's face paled. And for a moment, she lost sense of everything. Where she was, who she was.
She gasped and quickly ran to the lesson room.


Jennette slammed the door open. Everyone looked at her concerned.
"Miss Jennette..? Are you alright? You look pale." Roxana said. Jennette took a deep breath for a minute. 'Calm've been here for a month. You don't know anyone...' she told herself. "U-um" her voice trembled. "A man. In the window. He was this tall, black hair, brown eyes." She looked around hastily. All 3 of them looked confused. "His eyes were really void and- is he a servant perhaps?" She asked, nervously. 'He wasn't near the garden tho. He wasn't near where most servants worked' she panicked. Jeremy scoffed.
"Like hell I pay any attention to the servants." He spat. He looked at how nervous Jennette looked. "B-but, ahem, there's probably a lot of servants who have those same features..." he reassured.
Jennette's breath hitched. He was right. Jennette nodded and continued on with the lesson.

After the lesson, Jeremy called for her. Jeremy and Jennette often had tea together after their exchange at in the village. It was per Roxanas request. Tho Jeremy was reluctant at first, he found that it was rather nice having her as company, but he never admitted it. "Young Master?" Jennette called. He looked at her. "Is it possible if we could shorten out tea time from now on?" She asked. Jeremy looked at her, shocked. Did she not like him anymore?...he can't imagine her not liking anyone.
"W-why?" He stuttered out from the shock.
"Duke Agriche asked for me to plan Lady Charlottes' birthday." She smiled, sipping her tea. Jeremy frowned.
"Is that so..?" He asked, to which Jennette nodded. "So? How long should our tea time be?"
"Hmmm...perhaps 15 minutes?" Jeremy almost spit out his tea.
'She's shortening it by 30 minutes," he thought. He was silently cursing Charlotte.
"I do apologize, young master." She said, bowing her head.
"I-it's fine," he pouted.
"I start tomorrow, by the way!" She beamed. This time Jeremy actually spit out his tea. He was coughing violently. "Oh my! Young Master, are you alright!?" She cried, distressed.
" soon," he chuckled, wiping his mouth.
"Huh?..yes you're right, I was just notified today." She smiled. Jennette sighed. "For now, let's enjoy our time together. It's not like we'll never see each other again." She comforted, stroking Jeremy's hair. Jeremy felt his face heat up. He glanced at Jennette, who quickly pulled away.
"'re right." He smiled slightly.

              That night, Jennette had a nightmare. She was staring in a mirror, but she didn't see was a dark figure. A one made of black magic.

"N-no....that's not it....?"

She asked and touched her face. The figure did the same.

"What.....who are you....?"

She trembled.

Authors note: so, I obviously haven't been active for quite some time! And since schools starting, updates might be slow

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Authors note: so, I obviously haven't been active for quite some time! And since schools starting, updates might be slow....I apologize for late updates, but please remember that most my stories are for fun and I don't continue them seriously. Especially since I'm a student so bad!!!

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