"Oh, hi! You're one of my brother's friends, aren't you?"

"I think so," the boy chuckled nervously. He stretched out his hand towards the girl in front of him. "I'm Remus. Lupin."

"I'm Lyra. Black." The girl shook the boy's hand and smiled up at him. "I like your name, Remus. It's pretty."

The boy laughed. "Do you? Never fancied it much myself."

"I know what you mean. I hate my name. My middle name is so much better."

The boy laughed again. "Same..."

There was a moment of silence. The boy looked at the girl and the girl looked at the boy, each unsure what to say.

"Well, it was very nice to meet you Remus. I'll see you around the castle, hm?" said the girl as she turned to walk away.

But the boy wanted to keep talking to her, so he called out, "Wait!"

The girl turned around.

"What's...erm...what's your middle name?"

"Oh! It's Lovetta. Isn't it so much better? But...I think if  I went by my middle name, I'd wanna be called Etta."

"You've thought about this a lot, huh?" laughed the boy softly, looking down at his feet.

The girl laughed too, her cheeks tinted red. "Well...what's yours?"

"John. More practical than Remus."

The girl thought for a moment before her eyes widened and she said, "Remus, I've got a brilliant plan. Let's call each other by our middle names?" she asked, suddenly unsure.

But the girl needn't have been unsure, because the smile on the boy's face only grew. 

"Right then. Nice to meet you, Etta."


"Fancy finding a compartment before people start to think we know this lot?" asked a smirking Remus. He gestured at their friends.

"Oh, absolutely" laughed Lyra. "Although I think it may be too late. We've been guilty by association for years."

The two linked arms and boarded the train. From an empty compartment, Lyra opened the window, and, yelling at the boys still on the platform, said, "Oi! You tossers planning on joining us anytime today?"

Minutes later, the Marauders were sat in their compartment, swapping jabs, jokes, and Chocolate Frog cards as the Hogwarts Express began to leave the station, bringing them ever closer to their home.

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