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Remus Lupin was quite certain of a few things.

For one, he was a werewolf. That was a glaringly indisputable fact; one he rather despised.

Second, his favorite author was Jane Austen. Though he supposed if anyone flat out asked him, he'd most likely answer with "Tolstoy" or something of the sort.

Third, Lyra Lovetta Black was the most astonishing person he'd ever met. Witty, intelligent, and all-around particularly lovely. Some might describe her hair as black, but to Remus, it was a deep ebony that shone almost blue whenever the sun hit it just right. To the masses, Lyra's eyes might appear grey, but to him, they were a deep silver that sparkled whenever he made her laugh. He loved being near her, hearing her talk, seeing their world through her eyes.

And finally, he was quite certain he did not deserve her, not in the slightest. But for as long as Lyra Lovetta Black intended to tolerate his company, Remus John Lupin intended to be by her side.

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"I think I might vomit."

"Poor bloke must've looked in the mirror again."


Sirius was draped dramatically over a couch in the Gryffindor common room, his face indeed looking rather ashen. Lyra watched, amused, as Peter attempted to fan him with an old copy of The Prophet, a worried look on his face.

"Padfoot, I really don't think-"

"My sister. My only sister. Dating someone!"

Lyra scoffed. She had been talking with the Marauders before they left for breakfast when Ben Travers had wished her a good morning with a kiss on the cheek. Needless to say, the interaction had been met with quite a display of dramatics.

"Will horrors never cease?"

Lyra liked Ben. He was funny and popular and endlessly handsome. Dark brown curls, pretty green eyes, and a crooked smile he reserved just for her. His favorite Muggle band was The Bee Gees. She had laughed when he told her that.

A week or two into the term, he had asked her out to Hogsmeade after Herbology, presenting her with a single rose. What else was she to do than accept?

She closed her eyes, smiling at the memory.

Three very strange things had happened to Lyra since the very start of term, getting asked on her first date being one of them. That had been a good kind of strange. A bubbly, butterflies in your stomach kind of strange. But the other things that had happened, those were the other kind of strange. The concerning kind.

Lyra still didn't know how Professor Larkspur had known her name the night of the feast, and she shuddered to think it might have had something to do with last year. Further, the girl had yet to discover who had sent her that note in potions. Watch your back. Since nothing related had happened since then, Lyra had chalked it up to nothing more than someone's idea of a cruel joke. Mostly.

"So Lyra, exactly how long has our dear Mr. Travers been carrying a torch for you?"

"I- what? Not very long now," the girl replied.

"So, when exactly were you planning on telling me? On your wedding day?" prodded an exasperated Sirius.

"Yes, Padfoot. Seeing how rationally you've reacted, I can't ever imagine why she would want to keep it a secret," said Remus dryly.

"Thank you, J," said Lyra, turning to stick her tongue out at Sirius, who stuck his tongue out in response.

"Well then, now that we've established the maturity level of our friend group...breakfast, Etta?" The brown-haired boy stood from the couch he'd been sitting on and turned to the silver-eyed girl, a soft look in his eyes.

"Oh. Yes, well, I was actually going to meet Ben, so..."

"Oh. Okay," Remus cleared his throat. "Stranding me with this lot, eh?" 

Lyra smiled.

"I'll have you know I take offense to that!" called James, which was quickly followed by a "Me too!" from Peter.

And then with a wave to the boys and a flash of the raven hair he knew so well, Lyra had slipped out the portrait hole, leaving a confusedly crestfallen Remus behind.


Author's Note:
Hi! I haven't updated in forever, so I'm sorry that this is mostly a filler chapter, but it was definitely necessary to tie different elements of the plot together! After this the chapters will start getting longer and more plot-oriented. Promise!


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18 ⏰

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