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Sirius and Lyra. Twins. Best friends since birth.

But the world is not always kind to its most gentle souls.

Sirius was angry. His face was red and hot tears threatened to fall. "I told you! I told you! I told you we needed to leave. This, all of this, is your damn fault." He buried his face in his hands and slid down the wall until he was sitting on the floor in a fearful, furious heap.

Lyra was crying too, but out of sadness. And fear. Fear for her brothers. Fear for herself. "If you want to go, Sirius, then do it. Go! I won't stop you. But you know I can't go with you," she said, her voice breaking. "He won't leave...and I can't do that to him."

"Can't or won't, Lyra?"


"Lyra," the boy said, his words turning desperate. "He's fine. I know it, you know it. He's their favorite, their stupid Slytherin heir. They won't do anything to him. But us?" His voice trailed off. "You know I won't leave without you."

"No," Lyra whispered, sitting down by him. "I can't let you stay either, I know. I just," she started to sob, tears falling into her dark hair. "He's barely fifteen, I can't just leave him. But we're dying here and I just..."

"Here's what we're going to do. Look at me, Lyra, listen. We'll stay the rest of the summer here. We'll spend this Christmas with the Potters, or someone else, I don't know. He can do what he wants. By next summer, he'll be sixteen. If by then he decides he wants to leave, he can. And you and I will never, ever come back to this place."

Wisteria (R. Lupin)Where stories live. Discover now