I: Sweet Suprises

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HER MORNING COFFEE was interrupted by a loud guitar from the wall beside hers, following with drums and loud thumping. The old granny told her that the new neighour is moving in in the apartment beside hers, she didn't tell her he was this disturbing. She spits out her coffee from suprise, looking up in confusion.

The old chandelier above her starts shaking from the powerful stomping, and the music getting even louder.
She gets up from her stool, covering her bleeding ears. She can't stand the metallica, her mother always sang "So this is Love" by Illene Woods for her bedtime, she never got used to loud things. She picked up the old landline phone, brushing of the dust and putting the phone to her ear.

The girl grumbles in annoyance as the old granny won't answer the phone, so she makes her way to the door, sliding on her slippers with bunny ears. She remembers she's still in her pyjamas, but it doesn't matter, it still looked like a dress. She locked the door making her way downstairs, greeting the janitor. She still hears the muffled music in the hotel, but not anyone cares.

"Hey, Luke. What's with the loud music in this hour" she says pointing at the clock behind him. He replies with a shrug with a whisper 'I don't know'.

She goes down the stairs wanting to sue everyone and everything. She stops as she gets to the floor the Lady lives on, stopping in her tracks infront of her door, knocking before hearing a quiet 'come in'. She lets herself in and immediately smelling the brownies she always makes.

She makes her way to the tiny kitchen, and seeing fresh baked brownies, she smiles as she immediately stuffed one in her mouth, not even chewing correctly.
She hears a laugh behind her, making her startle, she turns around, putting her hand on her mouth, preventing granny to see her brown teeth.

"Oh, you will always be the old loving Kasi" The granny smiles as she heads to the oven, taking more brownies out. Kasia licks her teeth, before starting to ask the question she wanted the answer to since forever,
but the old woman interrupting her.

"Have you met the new neighbour, Kasi" she asks turning around, handing her a plate full of brownies.

"Oh, Gigi, thankfully I didn't" she rolls her eyes, biting down on a brownie.
"Don't say that" she smiles as she sits down opposite of Kasia.

"He's really handsome, blue eyes, dark hair, he gave me a plate full of pies with strawberries! Wanna try?" She continues saying, offering her the plate thats covered with a tissue.

"No thank you, i'd rather choke on these brownies than trying some of his pie" she says rolling her eyes, hearing the woman laugh again.

"Did you need something, Kasi?" She asks taking a bite of the pie, showing her wrinkles. "No, but why didn't you tell me that the new neighbour was going to be this annoying!" I ask getting a cup of water, her smiling when seeing my slippers. She bought them for me, for my 18th Birthday.

"Honey, I didn't even know. But let me tell you, he's hot as fu-" she didnt finish her sentence, because of mine, thankfully, "Oh my God Gigi, please" I cover my face in embarrassment at what she was gonna say, I smile in my hands as I hear her laughing.

"I'm serious! You would make a cute couple" she says biting down on a brownie. Her sentence caught me off guard, spitting the water out of my mouth into the sink.

"Gigi! No!" I said wiping my mouth with my hand, "I don't want a boyfriend right now, I need to finish my books!" I said picking up one more brownie and stuffing it into my mouth, before she could say anything, I sprinted out of her dorm, saying my goodbyes to her through the run closing the door, while hearing her laugh.
Gigi is only 49, she isn't old at all, but I like to joke about it with her.
She's also the editor of my books, when I finish a chapter, I hand it out to her and she edits it if there's something that isn't matching the story.

                    To be continued

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