III: Confusion

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I AM SWEATING SO MUCH RIGHT NOW. I have never been in this kind of situation. Matteo is sitting beside the bed, holding the boy's hand while im on my knees dabbing a cotton pad with alcohol. I allowed Matteo to be in the room, incase i need something.
I put a strand of my hair behind my ear while sighing trying to concentrate.

"I need more bandages and gauze sponges. Do you think you could get me that?" I ask tightening my ponytail.

"Of course. I think Ares has some here" he says looking through the cabinets.

"Here. Is this it?" He asks handing me gauze sponges and 2 bandages. Matteo sighs heavly telling me he's worried. I always read people, and 99% of the time, im correct.

"Yes. Thank you" I stick my tounge out
as I'm applying alcohol on the gauze.

"When did this happen?" I ask Matteo looking at him.

"Uh, maybe 15 minutes ago. We were helping Ares get his guitars and boxes inside. And all of a sudden a guy starts cussing us out, seems like he was drunk" he says looking at the guy thats laying beside him.

"He was like really mad for some reason. Then this bitch just couldn't shut up and starts arguing with him." He continues.

"Was he injured before that? I see some bruises and cuts that aren't fresh" I say looking at him.

"Uh, yeah. He was." He says scratching the back of his head.

I sigh tiredly taking my eyes away from Matteo.

"Does it sting alot?" I softly ask the boy im treating.

"Yes." He says hissing. "Well, suck it up" I say putting the gauze on his chest, a little above his heart.

I put a little alcohol on all his bruises and cuts. Some of them are bandaged If they're bigger or deeper than the rest.

"There you go" I say patting his leg and slowly getting up.

"Thank you. Really. No one has ever done for me." He say honestly as I look at Matteo confused.

"He's the quiet guy in our group. I mean not anymore" Matteo says shrugging and flashing me his smile.

I open the door, getting out of the room with Matteo behind me as I let my hair go.

"He's okay. No broken bones or anything, but he should rest for a while. The bruise on his ribs is big, big enough to cause internal bleeding, which can cause death sometimes."
I say nervously, fidgeting with my hands. "He can only eat light food. Like soups, cereal, vegetables and fruits." I say biting my lips. They're all looking at me, except Ares. It's making me nervous.

"Thank you, for helping him. It really means so much to us. Luca usually isn't like this " he says looking at his friends, "I mean he's the most quiet out of all of us and he always made sure if everything is okay." Kai says looking at me nervously, choosing his words carefully.

"Don't worry about it. You just have to treat his wounds carefully. If you don't know how, call me." I say heading out the door.

"Wait, Kasia"



I stop mid tracks, turning around and looking at them concerned.

"I mean, If you'd like to. You can always hang out with us." Nikolas smiles at me, flashing me his straight white teeth.

"Um, I'd really love to, but I'm busy this whole weekend. I'll make sure to call you guys when I'm free" She smiles at them closing the door.

This is so weird.

She has never gotten invited to hang out with someone, especially not boys.

She runs a little making it infront of her apartment. She sighs in relief happy it didn't take long.

Kasia takes a look at the little clock on the kitchen counter. She widens her eyes seeing the numbers 5:17pm.
She was at someone's apartment, that someone being a boy, one and a half hour. She sighs to herself, immediately feeling the rage in her chest. She needed to send Gigi the chapter 17 minutes ago.

Kasia goes to her room, taking her phone with her as she walks to her balcony seeing her laptop.

*7 missed calls by Gigi*


She didn't even finish the chapter that needed to be finished by 5pm. Kasia smacked herself on the forhead feeling dumb. She texted Gigi saying She fell asleep and that she was tired.

She couldn't keep up with people anymore so she went straight to her room turning off the light and let the dark consume her.

To be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2023 ⏰

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