Chapter 1

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Derick was gay. He was an atheist , the Christian God mentioning that to be gay was a sin didn't bother him because he didn't believe in him. It was a more stress free existence. Even though he had a lot of unanswered questions not believing in a God.

He calmly searched through different books in the school library to read and picked out a couple that he liked and read them to himself.

Markus was gay.

His parents were Christian and they went to church every Sunday where the pastor was known to bring up how being gay was a sin and frankly he was mad. He'd sit there and ponder why, if God was love then, why did God not love Gay people the same as straight ones .And if God made gay people that way, why did he point out that who they were was wrong?

He pulled out a chessboard and sat down to play chess with his friend Peter.

Peter was straight but people thought he was gay. He believed in all sorts of religions but leant mostly towards Buddhism.

"You seem kind've mad for some reason" Peter said to Markus

Markus's face relaxed

"Do I?'

"Yeah you randomly just look moody sometimes, it's kind of weird."

"I just overthink things sometimes and stress myself out and then I just get pissed off. It's just like family stuff, don't worry 'bout it."

Peter looked a little stressed by his explanation but agreed

"Okay" he said going back to playing chess.

Derrick walked into the room with his two books texting his friend , asking if he wanted to play chess but then realised the chess set wasn't in it's usual place . And that someone else was already playing it, he texted back 'nvm' . Then left to go sit in a beanbag with his books in another room.

Markus recognized the dude who came in searching for the chess board, he was in one of his classes, science, he noted.

Prescott Highschool was huge. They held classrooms in rooms the same size as university lecture halls. So it was hard to know if students were new or not , also because the teachers didn't introduce new students. It was weird but on the plus side it was easier to blend in, instead of having a panic attack introducing yourself to 800+ students. The reason their school was so big was because a couple of other schools got shut down and the students didn't have any other school to go to that was still manageable to get to. It was slightly outside of the area of both schools but only by a little.

All he knew was that he'd seen him in history class 2 weeks ago and he was ... struck by him.

"Check" said Peter

"What" said Markus "we just started playing how did you put me in check?"

"I don't know , you seem kind've distracted. You're not on your A game when you're distracted"

Markus moved out of check

"Oh" said Peter

Peter moved and Markus took the piece he moved.

"Touché" peter said

5 minutes into the game and Peter started talking randomly about Buddhism and about how he thought Buddhism and Christianity have a lot in common.

But Markus knew the difference. The pastor at his church would sometimes get heated over the topic of different religions and how they wouldn't lead to heaven because the only way to heaven was if you believed in Jesus and how all the other religions were lies. He wasn't sure if he should tell his friend that or not. Markus wasn't sure if it's something anyone should be told that or not. To tell someone their religion was what was going to send them to hell just didn't sit right with him. Even more so because he was his friend and he didn't want to see him with that burden on his shoulders. He just smiled and nodded through his friend happily talking about how he was going to be reincarnated until he reaches enlightenment and then he can go to heaven where he'll see him at.

He tried not to grimace because as far as he knew it God wasn't letting gays or people from different religions into heaven so he would in fact not see him there.

The thought depressed him because what was the use in believing in a God who hated you?

Markus and Peter finished their game and went to class and the week whizzed by and Peter chatted back n forth happily with Markus and other classmates non the wiser until the weekend came by, in particular Sunday. Markus sat in church on another typical sunday and wondered about the pastors message

If God made us in his image then God must be gay. Because I'm gay right?

He realised he was pleading for an answer that still proved that God loved him, that having faith meant he could be saved.

Because he really really wanted to have faith and be saved.

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