Chapter 1

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It was Spring 1654. 

Each of them was living thier own lives till the moment they met.

A black silhouette was roaming through English fields and forests in search of a person suitable for being not only an apprentice, but also to accompany him since the last few years he spent alone with the sick. He had no communication skills, was cold, solitary, and strict, but deep inside him, he felt the urge of another human being with which he could share his thoughts and ideas. He didn't understand this urge and desperately wanted to get rid of it. He tried numerous things, like focusing on his job, or focusing on literature, but the urge was still there to torture him. Finally, he noticed a small village located in the valley surrounded with a small forest. He had a feeling that this time he will find his companion and he wasn't mistaken, as always.

After she came back from the Sunday Mass, Rosalynn began to cook the sleeping potion which Agness ordered the previous day. She took the sticks of lavender and began to mush them in a mortar slowly while looking through the window. The day was sunny, there were no clouds, just plain blue sky and shiny sun. She was thinking about travelling the world, numerous interesting places, interesting people... and becoming someone important, someone respected. The villagers had ambiguous attitude towards her as she was either loved or hated. There were many clients who were coming pretty often to order some potions, but there were also these people, who would throw rocks at her windows or put a fire in her herbal garden. But she got used to it, that's how it was ever since she was young. Her mother was an outcast who would rarely go and visit the villagers, but Rosalynn had more open attitude and was so curious of the external world. She was living alone and feeling lonely. Despite the fact that she was visited very often, there was nobody to talk to about her worries or dreams. There were no friend, no neighbour, no human being. Just she by herself. For a moment she saw her reflection in the window. Her light hair were hidden under the white headscarf she inherited after her mother. Usually happy brown eyes were sad at the moment realising how lonely she was. There were no pink on her cheeks and the usual smile disappeared. She sighed and came back to mushing the lavender, but soon she heard someone voices from the outside. The knocking to the door disturbed her thoughts completely. She put down the mortar down and carefully opened the door. 

"Hi there gal!" A big plump woman appeared in a doorway. It was Agness, her loyal client. "Can we come in?" she asked and instantly marched into the cottage before Rosalynn gave an answer. After Agness, her husband Joe came in as well, but suddenly stopped and looked back.

"Don' be shy, Doctor. Come in!" He waved at the person who was still outside. 

"A doctor?" Rosalynn asked surprised. "But I'm not sick, quite the opposite. I'm feeling fine..." she said with little hesitation.

And then a large black silhouette appeared. All that she could tell about the guest was that it was the weirdest sight she has ever seen. The tall man was dressed all black: black long cloak, black trousers, black boots, black gloves, black rounded hat, black belt, and... this weird black mask which resembled a bird's beak with two round pieces of glass in the place of eyes. In one hand he was holding a large dark brown bag and in the other he held a weird cane. 

"My apologies for interruption, Miss, but I'm looking for a village herbalist. May I ask your father?" The guest bowed gently holding his hat so it wouldn't fall off his head.

"My... father?" asked Rosalynn confused. She didn't have a clue what was going on.

"Her father?" Agness repeated after her. "Oh, Mister... There is a misunderstanding." she began to laugh awkwardly. "THAT'S our herbalist." she pointed Rosalynn.

"A woman?" the man look just as confused as young herbalist. " I beg you pardon, Lady, but that's still a child. And she is a woman. I'm not going to work with her." The tall black figure within one movement turned back and left the cottage.

"H-hey! Doctor! Wait!" Joe rushed outside after him.

"Agness" started Rosalynn "Tell me, what has just happened? Why have you brought here this... man?" she asked as politely as she could.

"Don't you see, gal? He is a doctor! And he cures people and so do you!" Agness gave her a wide smile. " Aaand as I remember you wanted to become a doctor too, and this fella there is looking for an apprentice. You could be one!"

"After that I don't think so..." Rosalynn laughed awkwardly coming back to mushing the lavender. "I have never heard of a woman being a doctor. Midwifery is the best I could do if we are talking about the professions concerning medicine."

"Don't be so sceptical! Joe will talk him into choosing you! May I already pack your things?" Agness asked politely without even waiting for an answer.

"W-what? Wait!" The girl rushed to stop the woman but in the same time the two men appeared in the doorway again.

"No need to thank me, gal!" Joe smiled at confused Rosalynn what gave Agness few seconds to pack Rosalynn's things. "Doctor agreed to take care of you and to properly educate you!"

"I didn't say that, but yes. I agreed on your company, but with certain rules established." The tall man opened his bag and took out a piece of paper, a pen and an ink pot. "First you have to sign a contract."

"What contract?" Rosalynn was still confused, but deep inside she was so happy and excited. Meanwhile Agness and Joe left the cottage leaving Rosalynn's packed things next  to her.

"If you're about to be my apprentice, you have to acknowledge certain dangers you will encounter during your medical practice. Here are some of them listed. Moreover, I have to add my own terms on working with YOU." He emphasised the last word a little contemptuously. Rosalynn was used to being pushed around by others so it made no impression on her. 

He handed her the paper and after she scanned the contract, she signed it. Meanwhile, Doctor wrote down the terms of their agreement and read them out loud. " First, you must do just as I say with no objections or additional questions. Second, don't get close to me, don't touch me or my things. Third, do not go anywhere without my permission. And the last one, you receive no money, but I pay for your accommodation, food, and clothing. Is everything clear?" 

"Uhm, I think so." He handed her another paper and she also signed it. "So, where are we going?"

"To the darkest depths of hell which is bubonic plague" said Doctor  gloomily and after he packed his things, he headed outside.

We Are The Cure : The Plague Doctor's Tale.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora