Chapter 11

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When he came back with a bowl of steamed vegetables, Rosalynn was still sitting on her bed confused. She came to her senses at the moment when Doctor touched her forehead with his hand. The leather glove was surprisingly warm. 

"Hm, it seems like you do not have a fever. That's a relief." He took it off and handed her a bowl with food. 

As Rosalynn was eating it slowly, Doctor was looking at her mask which was lying on a bedside table. He took a deep breath and started talking.

"My father was quite strict about sterility and wouldn't allow me to take my mask off if it was not necessary." Rosalynn looked at him surprised with his sudden confession. Doctor continued. "So, I've learned to live with it on-"

"Was your father a plague doctor as well?" She interrupted him. Rosalynn wanted to hug him but she knew she could't. He wouldn't let her do that.

"Yes. One of the best ones. Truth be told I am a bit sorry for him. Before he became a plague doctor, he was a well-educated physician and clergyman. He agreed to be a plague doctor due to the promised money. However, the parliament lingered with the payment about ten years and he received his promised salary right before his death." By the tone of his voice she could tell he gave her a bitter smile.

"I bet he was a great doctor. Did he inspire you to be like him?"

"Pardon?" He looked at her confused. "Well... It is not quite the case. I was trained to be like that my whole childhood. I did not have any friends... Nobody wanted to play with the weird child with the bird mask." She knew he smiled again."Moreover, my father would sit with me, just like we did few days ago, and read to me all the medical records and then ask me questions about them. For each wrong answer I had to read the book once more, and again, and again until I finally gave him the correct answer." He laughed gently.

"That's... so cruel of a parent." She looked at him visibly worried.

"That was his way of showing care... For now, that would be enough about me. Let us talk about something more... pleasant? Tell me more about yourself." Doctor insisted.

"Oh... Haha... My story is not as happy as it may seem. I was raised by my mother." She mad a little pause. "I have never met my father which is why I was so surprised when you asked for my father during our first meeting." She smiled putting aside an empty bowl.

"My apologies. I didn't know."

"It is fine. My mother... She didn't like people and preferred to be surrounded by nature. And the villagers didn't like her as well because of few love affairs she had with village men. When three of her lovers died unexpectedly, people believed she was a witch and isolated from her. They also believed my father must have died which is why he has never showed up."

"Your mother must have felt lonely being left alone with a small child."

"Not really. She had a friend who was still visiting her. That's Agness, the woman who brought you to my cottage. She had known my mother since they both were little girls and knew that all the deaths that happened were just an accidents. However, I think that my mother could have been a witch. " Rosalynn looked thoughtful.

"How come?" Doctor tilted his head a bit to the left like he wasn't been sure whether she was serious or not.

"She was really good at cooking potions and inventing new ones. She taught me most of her recipes. And these are the strong ones. I bet you won't find any of them in you smart Latin books." She smiled and he laughed. It was the first time she heard him laughing.

"I assume you're right." He agreed . "Well, I am also getting hungry so I shall go." He stood up and took her empty bowl. When he was about to leave, he said quietly. "Thank you, Rosalynn. Sleep well." 

"Have a good rest." She smiled and he closed the door of her room.


For the rest of the week they were giving a follow-up visits to the sick to see whether their health improved since their last visit. Unfortunately three of the them died but it was a quite good outcome. Doctor was repeating that they had arrived in time to cure most of their patients which is why so little of them died. Rosalynn however, wasn't that happy as it involved death of people they were taking care of. 

During these follow-up visits they have noticed that some objects were changing their places or completely disappearing. These were for instance handkerchiefs, plates, mugs, tableware, clothes. Both Doctor and Rosalynn suspected other villagers who initially assumed that the sick would eventually die and for that reason they could have already divide the possessions of their sick neighbours amongst them. Doctor said that it was a quite common practice in places infected with plague which is why he wasn't as shocked as Rosalynn was. 

After the whole week has passed, they received an invitation via Jack from Reverend Cryer. He wanted to see them at the Rectory to pay them for their service. Just as promised.

When they arrived there, Rosalynn precautionary decided to stay in the hallway and Doctor was the only one seeing the priest. It appeared odd to him as Reverend requested the meeting to take place in his bedroom. As he opened the door, Father Samuel greeted him with few coughs lying in his bed.

"Reverend Cryer?" Doctor entered the room cautiously.

"My apologies Doctor Rae but as you can see recently I'm not feeling well. I suppose I've caught a cold." He coughed again. "I hope you don't mind my state." Doctor was examining his neck from the distance for a long time but soon gave up and assumed it must have been a cold indeed.

"As long as it is a cold I will not interfere." Doctor answered shortly.

"Wonderful. Now, your payment. A pouch lies on a bureau on the left. I hope that's enough for your service." He coughed again while Doctor opened the pouch and counted golden coins.

"Most of the sick recovered but still there are two people suffering from plague. Do you wish us to stay here for few more days?" 

"Are they going to recover soon?" Reverend asked.

"For this moment it is demanding to find the answer for your question, Reverend. Pestilence is cunning. One victim can improve to later die unexpectedly, the other can seem as dying to recover next day."

"I see. Stay then for one more week. I want to make sure everyone is well." He coughed and then suddenly spoke." I've heard you visited this little witch Mary. Is she sick?" There was vicious tone in Reverend's voice. 

"Miss Mary remains in good health." Doctor said shortly. Reverend was about to say something when Jack interrupted their talk with his sudden appearance in the room. He was carrying a silver food tray in his hands with freshly prepared meal. 

"I'm sorry to interrupt but it's breakfast time, Father Samuel." Jack put aside the tray and helped Reverend sit in his bed. Doctor murmured a short goodbye and left the room. 

Rosalynn was waiting outside holding a small plant in her hands. 

"What do you have here, Rosalynn?" He asked her surprised.

"I'm not quite sure but Jack asked me to deliver it to Mary." She handed him the thing she was holding. Doctor carefully examined the flower with small white little flowers and long stem. "He told me it is a yarrow but yarrow looks a bit different." Doctor looked at her surprised.

"So what is it then?"

"I think it's hemlock."

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