Chapter Three

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It was broken. Jale wrapped it up, muttering under her breath about coming with them just to stare at a waterfall while they fooled around.

"At least it was a pretty waterfall," she added, smirking.

Luckily, the trip back to Attob was with the current, and Tanden didn't need to use his foot to help paddle. They made it back to the town shortly before sunset. Jerios was waiting with the Waterborne. Before heading out, Tanden paid Queb and Naba for their service, and promised to visit again soon with more goods to trade. They parted ways as friends.

Tanden was insufferable the next few days on the Wanderlust. He refused to rest in the captain's quarters, and instead hopped and hobbled around on deck, getting in the way. Even a gift from Ara—a drawing of the waterfalls—didn't settle him, although Soren noticed that Tanden did pin it up on the map, next to his new maps of Moatt and Attob.

It was easy to know when they passed from Moatt waters to Staedin's coast. The huge cliffs came right up to the ocean. Spires and sea stacks stood tall and thin in the water, defying the ocean waves. One such sea stack was still connected to the mainland by the thin bridge, creating a natural archway.

To cheer Tanden up, Soren called for the anchor to be dropped, and they climbed into the Waterborne. They sailed the sleek cutter through the archway, marveling at the beauty of it. Once back on the Wanderlust, Tanden insisted anyone who wanted a closer look could have a turn, and they spent the remainder of that day anchored near the archway.

The next day, they were shocked to come across a port, built into the cliff side. Sea caves, natural pathways and wooden scaffolding crisscrossed the rock, from the very top of the cliff to the expansive system of docks and stone piers. There was more than enough room to bring the Wanderlust into dock.

Tanden hopped off of the ship as soon as the gangway was lowered, limping off with a makeshift crutch under one arm. Soren shouted at Ivern so he knew to take over, and hurried after Tanden. It didn't take him long to catch up.

"It'll heal faster if you let it rest."

Tanden huffed, clearly not in the least bit surprised to find Soren at his side. "I'm not good at resting. Besides, who would look for whatever passes as a harbourmaster?"

"You'll be trying out Navirian?" Soren guessed. "So, any of the Navirian lads could have done it."

"I imagine they'll speak Navirian here, but I don't know if I'll be able to rely on it in Cratia or Alvara. I wish we'd had more time in Moatt. Queb could've taught me Moattish." Tanden paused at a fork in the docks, then picked a direction and carried on.

"You should hire a translator, like you did for Morcean," Soren suggested.

"I should," Tanden agreed, as they came up to a hut. Tanden knocked on the door. A moment later a man answered, already speaking in Staedish. His words died in his throat when he realized who they were.

Tanden said something in Navirian, tentatively.

The man, his frown deepening, looked between them and shook his head. Then he shut the door.

Tanden, who wasn't used to being so abruptly dismissed, glanced at Soren. "I guess he doesn't speak—"

The door creaked open again. This time a younger man leaned in the doorway, with the older man looming behind him.

"Teltish?" the younger man asked.

"Oh. Yes," Tanden said. He shifted, adjusting the way his crutch was digging into his armpit. Soren barely resisted the urge to reach out and steady him. "I wanted to ask about docking fees, among other things."

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