♡Chapter 9♡

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Prince Chris' POV:

I overheard my parents talking in the distance. I bet it's about Felix. This is honestly all my fault. If only I were there to keep him from going missing, my parents wouldn't have worried about him so much. It should have been me. I would've handled everything if I was the one who went missing, but fate decided otherwise.

*Flashback 8 Years Ago*

Author's POV:

"Can't you get any faster?" Prince Chris said laughing while riding his horse. "Oh, don't you worry, I'll have more speed than you in a moment." Prince Felix was catching up to Prince Chris. "So you do have it in you?" Prince Chris asked again. The forest was just full of laughter as they raced. After what seems to be hours of racing, they took a break and sat down under a huge oak tree. "I taught you well." Prince Chris stated. "Yeah, I don't think so." Prince Felix is clearly teasing his older brother. Prince Chris jokingly frowned at his statement. They laughed once again.

Prince Chris' POV:

The sun began to set. "I'll just get some firewood. Stay here." I said sternly to my younger brother. He just nodded in response. A few minutes had passed. When I returned, Felix wasn't by the oak tree anymore. I started panicking and instantly dropped all the firewood I gathered. "FELIX! FELIX! WHERE ARE YOU?" I screamed his name, hoping to find him. Silence is all I heard. I tried again. "FELIX, PLEASE! WHERE ARE YOU? STOP PLAYING GAMES AND COME OUT!" I ran my fingers through my hair in frustration. Where could he possibly go? Did he go home already? Was I overreacting? I need confirmation so I hopped on my horse and went back to the castle.

"Mother, is Felix here?" I asked her frantically. "No, I thought he was with you." A frown was slowly forming on her face. "I'll go call your father, maybe he saw him." Mother hurriedly went to my Father. "I heard about Felix. What happened?" Father held my shoulders. "We had just finished horse racing in the Enchanted Forest. I went to get some firewood, but as I came back, Felix wasn't there anymore." I said all of it in one breath. "Don't panic, my son. We will find Felix. I'll send the Royal Guards out in the forest to look for him." Father spoke rather calmly. "Guards! Gather all your men and search for my son in The Enchanted Forest!" He ordered. "Right away, Your Majesty." One of the guards stated.

"Honey, it's not your fault." Mother said with sympathy. "Yes, it is. If I had just stayed with him until we got back here, he wouldn't have went missing." My voice started to break. Tears threatening my eyes to fall. "Don't blame it on yourself. Yes, he may be gone right now, but it doesn't mean that you were the one who got him missing. Hang in there, Chris." She brushed away some hair in front of my face. Mother was trying to hold back her tears as well.

•Author's Note•
I'm back! I wrote this chapter longer than the last one since chapter 8 had around 250 words and this chapter has exactly 517 words. I hope you liked the update! That's all for today, annyeong!

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