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three, dial drunk

Edie lay on her bed, gaze fixed on the ceiling above. She couldn't help but feel a mix of vulnerability and longing, her heart yearning for a call from the one who had caused her heartbreak. It was a difficult moment, filled with uncertainty and a desperate hope for reconciliation.

The passing minutes felt like an eternity as Edie's mind wandered, conjuring up scenarios of what could transpire if he were to reach out. She played out conversations in her head, hoping for understanding, closure, or even a chance to mend the broken pieces of their relationship.

Edie's heart skipped a beat as she saw Lando's name displayed on her phone screen. A mix of emotions surged through her—hope, apprehension, and a lingering desire for closure. It was a pivotal moment, one that held the potential to bring answers and clarity to the tangled web of emotions that had consumed her.

With trembling hands, Edie answered the call, her voice steady despite the whirlwind of thoughts and feelings swirling within her. "Hello?" she spoke, her tone a delicate balance between curiosity and caution.

"Y'know Edie, I really like you," He slurred.

Edie's heart sank as she heard Lando's slurred words on the other end of the line. The hope that had started to blossom within her was swiftly dampened by his intoxicated state. It was a painful reminder that their connection was clouded by circumstances that hindered genuine communication and understanding.

She took a moment to gather her thoughts, her voice filled with a mixture of concern and disappointment. "Lando, it sounds like you've been drinking. Are you okay?" she asked, her concern for his well-being overriding her own emotions.

"I just really like you Edie, Like I'm in love with you!" He shouted

There was a pause on the other end, a moment of silence that seemed to stretch on indefinitely. Edie's heart ached, knowing that the person she cared for was struggling with his own demons. Yet, she also recognized the importance of setting boundaries and prioritizing her own emotional well-being. 

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