The girl next door (Part I) (requested)

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You felt yourself sigh as you took in your new home, you and some close friends decided to all move in together, you would all pay and it would just be a fun experience with your closest friends, the only downside is that you guys moved next door to a huge family, your not sure who they are you just know that there is too many of them.

"Dude this place is awesome" Y/F smiled, you smiled as well, "yeah it is" you agreed. "Have you met that family next door yet?" You asked, your friend shook her head. "Come on bitches let's party" Y/O/F shouted. Your not sure what happened, but after many hours and many drinks, you were wasted.

"Dude s-since when did we have a pool" your friend slurred, you laughed at the fact that you guys had a house tour just 2 months ago. She then stripped down jumping into the light up pool. You saw with little to no light over the fence, someone was sitting outside on their front porch, reading a book. You walked over to the fence trying to not fall over from how dizzy your head felt.

"Hey" you croaked, "Are we being too loud?" You asked wiping your eyes, "yeah just a little" she responded setting down her book. "I'm sorry, t-truly. It's our first night in and we probably went a little overboard" you chuckled.
"No it's fine, just be glad my father isn't awake..yet" she said standing up. "Wait come on don't go inside, come here" you waved your hand. She stood still, "I swear I'm not gonna kill you" you said raising your hands as a surrender. "Just wanna talk to the neighbors" you smiled.

She walked over to you meeting you at the fence, when suddenly the light from the pool and your night vision set in and you saw her face. She was the most beautiful girl you had ever seen in your life. "Woah" you gasped, "what? Is something wrong?" She asked looking around her, "no no your just like really beautiful" you smiled. You could have sworn you saw her cheeks get red. "What's your name?" You asked, "I'm Jenna, Ortega" she said now looking at your friends who were swimming behind you.

"Y/N come on get in!!!" They shouted, "bro be quiet people are trying to sleep" you said back. "Sorry" you whispered. "Hey why don't you come over?" "What?" Jenna said, "look I'm not gonna lie, if you couldn't tell I'm wasted right now and I'm gonna have a killer hangover but we can just chill by the pool" you said innocently. You felt a  strong attraction toward Jenna, she was down right gorgeous how could you not? "I don't know if that's a good idea" jenna said hesitantly, which you couldn't blame her for, you guys had just met what was she supposed to expect.

"I'm not gonna force you to do anything but if I don't get back to my friends they will kill me" you laughed taking another sip of your drink. "See ya around Ortega" you winked walking away, Jenna didn't know what to think, she was nonetheless shocked at your guys' interaction.

She watched you take off your shirt and shorts exposing you in just a bra and some underwear. You jumped into the water laughing with your friends till Jenna finally had to pull her eyes away and go back inside. What just happened?

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