She Lied

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I wanted Gier to look like a young Christopher Walken, but in the end Gier just looks like an edgier Virgil.

The Sorcerer King, the absolute ruler of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, and the Kingdom of Nazarick, whose rule is set over the cities of Neu Aztlan and E-Rantel both under the establishment of the Iron Duke

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The Sorcerer King, the absolute ruler of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, and the Kingdom of Nazarick, whose rule is set over the cities of Neu Aztlan and E-Rantel both under the establishment of the Iron Duke

At this moment, that entity who should making sure all his vassals concerns were tended to was curled up on a soft bed not slaving at a hard desk, reading a book not addressing the land's issues

For the past weeks, that is what it's King enjoyed, while it's loyal Duke slaved away like the good friend he is surely this will not hamper their well being, surely this will not cause issues down the line

Ainz: hah...'I don't really have the need for rest, yet this feels nice...I wonder how (Y/n) is doing.'

Of course, sleep was completely unnecessary for an undead being like Ainz, someone else would find it necessary, but not Ainz not him

Though he only did so because it was the only remnants of his humanity telling his mind that he should be tired

He finished his book lifting his head knocking his pillow off himself sitting at the edge of his bed facing his dresser, his red beady eyes turning slowly to the room's corner

In the pitch darkness of the room, where a horrible beast of the night would call home waits in eerie silence to pounce on it's victim to snack upon them, sat a maid

She was one of Nazarick's regular maids, and she was attending to Ainz since yesterday elegantly sat upon her chair posture straight hardly moved since her shift started eyes fixed on Ainz without distraction

So in his human mind, she really wasn't that different to a horrible beast of the night waiting in eerie silence to pounce on it's victim to snack upon them

She had not intended to exert this pressure, but was simply because paying close attention to him would allow her to respond immediately to any situation that might arise

However, nobody would feel comfortable if they were constantly stared at like this, especially if it was a member of the opposite sex doing it

He could simply ask her to stop with the staring, but the look of joy upon the maid's face when he goes to order shunts the words back in him

Thinking about it, he wished he had addressed the issue earlier when he had the chance, but a month in of the maid's awe-inspiring loyalty he could no longer bring himself to alter their schedules

Ainz: '(Y/n) makes ordering people so easy, I could never force others to do things...'

He stands, the maid following his motion standing up herself

Ainz: ...I'm up.

Fourth: yes, then your servant shall take her leave...after this, today's maid will come to take over for me.

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