3. Fire Breathing Bad Ass

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"Hey kid you ever get that dragon?" Sara mused.

"Where do you think I'm headed?" Aemond agreed.

"Fuck drinks." Mick declared. "This world has dragons!"

"You want to meet her?" Aemond questioned. 

"A she dragon." mick declared, wide eyed. "Lead the way." 

"Just wait until we are enemy number one." Sara murmured leaning into Lenard. 

"They can't tie it to us." Leonard countered. 

"Strangers from a spaceship, technology they can't comprehend, and their king and queen go splat." Sara countered. 

"coincidence." Leonard agreed. "Come on, dont be a Ray... lets meet a dragon."

"Who are you guys again?" Aemond questioned. 

"Mick." He answered with a nod. 

"I'm Leonard and this charming and deadly woman is Ms Sara Lance." Leonard remarked and Sara tipped her head to Aemond. 

"Where are you from? Across the narrow sea?" aemond questioned. 

"Something like that." Sara agreed. "Starling city." 

"I havent heard of it." Aemond countered. 

"And we never heard of westeros, its a big world kid. Show me the dragon." Mick demanded. 

"She's right there." Aemond pointed to Vhagar and Mick giggled. Sara and Leonard shared a look, mick wasnt one to smile let alone laugh but he was giddy and giggling like when he got to start a huge fire and everything glowed hues of orange and reds for him. 

"Beautiful!" Mick declared walking right up to Vhagar, Vhagar lifted her head, rising to her feet. 

"Um, dont go up to her without me, she is bonded to me." Aemond remarked chasing after him. 

"Leave it mick, we are in a new realm for an hour and he will get eaten by a dragon." Leonard remarked. 

"He will die happy." Sara offered with a shrug. 

"Good point." 

"A real dragon, she breaths fire, dont be a dick and ruin my year, boy." Mick demanded. 

"She burned her last master to ash." Aemond agreed. Mick's smile got bigger. 

"I want a dragon." Mick decided. 

"no!" Both sara and Leonard shouted back. 

"Do it, make her fire!" Mick demanded pushing Aemond forward. 

"Vhagar," Aemond commanded as she rose up. He pointed at some driftwood that had washed up. "Dracarys." Vhagars gaze shifted and she opened her mouth letting loose a blast of fire. 

"Fucking hell!" Mick jumped up. "Do it again! No, I want to do it!" 

"She only listens to me." Aemond corrected. 

"She will listen to me." Mick corrected. 

"It doesnt work like that Ser." Aemond corrected honestly. 

"She's a big girl Mick, just your type." Leonard mused. 

"You can pet her." Aemond offered. Mick put his hands on her scales and felt the warmth radiating from her. 

"Ohhhh!" Mick declared smiling back at Leonard. 

"I dont think I like Mick smiling this much, its unsettling." Sara decided. 

"She is the largest dragon known to man, to big for the dragon pits, some say to big for this world but I love her." aemond remarked. 

"Dragon pits, you have more dragons?" Mick questioned. 

"yes my siblings have dragons." Aemond agreed. 

"Oh that dick head we met doesnt deserve a dragon." Mick decided. 

"You can't steal a dragon! We already fucked up the timeline enough." Sara corrected. 

"Ray can shrink it with his shrinky dink set." Mick assured with a wave of his hand. 

"Shrink a dragon?" Aemond countered confused. 

"I mean he shrinks down, it could be possible." Leonard offered thinking it through. 

"I heard my name, dont pull me into your shenanigans!" Ray said over the coms.

"Stop ease dropping this is important." Mick demanded. "Hey since you are listening, can you shrink a dragon?" 

"Who are you talking to?" Aemond questioned looking around. 

"I am not shrinking a dragon!" Ray declared. 

"A real dragon? Why am I always stuck in the ship?" Jax grumbled. 

"Get back to work kid." Lenard instructed. 

"Are you talking to me?" Aemond questioned. 

"No." Mick assured. "Tic tac, come on. A dragon, imagine what we can do with a dragon!" 

"No!" Rip shouted. "Stay on mission. Jefferson, work on cooling the system, you three get back here. Dont steal dragons, Mick. Words I never thought I would have to say." Rip grumbled. 

"If Sara were captain she would let me." Mick grumbled. 

"It's true." Sara agreed. 

"Mutiny!" Leonard declared. 

"I can still hear you." Rip corrected. 

"Who are you people talking to?" aemond demanded. 

"Our crew." mick answered as though it was obvious. "I see this beauty has a saddle, you ride her?" 

"Every day." Aemond agreed. 

"Oh man, lets go!" Mick agreed. He started climbing up and Vhagar grumbled. 

"Worlds largest dragon surely can fit a few more people." Sara agreed as Aemond climbed up. 

"If we go splat at least we know how the king and queen felt." Leonard murmured. Sara offered him a hand up. 

"Alright, hold on." Aemond agreed he glanced back them. 

"Mick hold on." Sara instructed. 

"To what?" Mick countered. 

"Sovegon!" Aemond declared. 


"Get the kings guard!"

"Rip, whats going on outside?" Ray questioned. 

"We have company."

"The King is dead!"

Timeless / House of the Dragon x Legends of TomorrowWhere stories live. Discover now