01. the proposal

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Gracie Abrams and Macy Frazier were simply meant for each other. Anyone who knew them could see that. The two had been together for five years, and they were more in love than ever. They'd been through hell and back with each other, and each time it only made them stronger. Each day they grew to love each other more than the day before. They knew each other just as they knew themselves, inside and out. Which is why, today was the day. Gracie had been thinking it over for months now, meticulously planning everything out perfectly. The love that they felt for each other could finally be amounted to something so physical, to something that was forever. Today was the day, Gracie was going to propose. She was so nervous she could hardly breathe whenever Macy was around. They never kept secrets from each other, and it killed her to hide it. But she knew, that the second she saw her down on one knee it would all be worth it.

Gracie woke up to warm wind blowing over her through the open windows, sun covering everything beneath it, and white linen sheets ruffled over her skin with Macy right beside her. Her hair was splayed over the white sheets, and her skin was a dark, beautiful, tan, shade of brown from the sun. She looked so beautiful as she slept. Gracie couldn't stop thinking about the fact that in a matter of hours, Macy might be her fiancé, and after that she would be her wife. This was a woman she might marry, and spend the rest of her life with. She was filled with more joy than she knew what to do with. She brushed a stray hair back from Macy's face, and watched as she stirred slightly in her sleep. She let her hand rest there on Macy's cheek lovingly. Gracie was brimming with pride, an overwhelming love.

"Good morning" Macy hummed, her eyes still shut. She smiled softly, and leaned into Macy's hand.

"Good Morning baby, how'd you sleep?"

"Good, I had a lot of fun last night"

"I could tell" Gracie grinned widely.

Macy opened her eyes and leaned in to kiss the brunette. The kiss was soft, and sweet, and beautiful. Gracie felt her heart swell. When they finally broke apart, they rested their foreheads against one another. They were smiling so wide it practically hurt.

"I love you,"

"I know you do, loser"

"Really can't have a romantic moment without you bullying me, can I?"

"Mmm... let me think about it..." Macy paused. "No, you can't!" She laughed, softly. Pressing another kiss to her lips.

"You excited for today?"

"Yeah, but also sad" she huffed. "I can't believe Jamie and Clover are getting married, and leaving"

"I know! How am I going to annoy Jamie if he's all married? and living in Ireland?"

"I'm sure you can annoy him and his wife over the phone baby,"

"Ugh, yeah, but it's just not the same"

"I'm sorry" she grinned sweetly, pressing a kiss atop her nose.

"Do you think they're making the right choice?" Macy questioned.

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