04. right now

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imessage + instagram + irl!


Over the past few weeks, Macy had practically immersed herself in the process of writing with Gracie. While she didn't know much about what it took to produce a song, she suddenly became the person Gracie looked to for inspiration and collaboration. After the first night, they'd fallen into a seamless rhythm. Gracie had never felt more connected to Macy than when they were writing together. It nearly felt like learning each other all over again.

The two had spent the last few days up at long pond in the studio with Aaron. It was a brand new experience for the both of them. Though Macy had spent most of her childhood in piano lessons or playing really any instrument she could, before the past few weeks she would have never referred to herself as musically inclined. She had virtually no experience writing music. However, it seemed that whenever she and Gracie were together things just came to her. The both of them were full of inspiration. At this point she couldn't count the sleepless nights the three of them had spent recording in the studio. 

Macy sat at the piano reworking a melody she'd come up with. Her fingers danced over the keys searching for something to jump out at her. She couldn't seem to find the sound that she was looking for, the chord that perfectly fit within the structure. The sound of Gracie and Aaron's murmurs faded into the background as she focused on finding the right sound. She played the structure over and over, switching out chords where she could. She began to grow frustrated for herself, seeing as she couldn't find the sound she was searching for. She huffed and threw her head back, taking her hands off the keys for a second. Macy closed her eyes for a second, allowing herself a moment to recollect herself. She placed her hands back on the keys, playing the melody once again, and finally she heard it. 

"Okay, what about this?" She questioned, finally turning to face Gracie and Aaron sitting behind her. She allowed her hands to move fluidly across the keys. Once she finishes she turns to face the two, reading their expressions carefully. Gracie closes her eyes and nods in approval, a wide smile evident on her face. "That's the one!" She clapped her hands together. 

Macy grinned, eyeing Aaron. "Solid, I like it" Aaron affirmed. Macy's grin widened and she turned back to the piano, satisfied with their approval. "I was waiting for you to get that one" Gracie adds.

"Yeah, It was a struggle" Macy sighed. Gracie stood from her spot on the couch and stalked over to the woman, letting her arms dangle over her shoulders. "You got it though" She leaned down, pressing a kiss to the side of her forehead. Macy leaned into the embrace allowing her head to rest on Gracie's chest. It wasn't until that moment that she realized how grateful she was to be there. For most of their relationship, Gracie's music wasn't exactly something Macy was always privy to. Most of the time Gracie preferred to work alone, occasionally confiding in Macy for advice here and there. But right now they were sharing these moments and it felt more special than anything else they'd ever done together. This was one of the bigger steps they'd taken in their relationship, considering how much of a vulnerable experience songwriting was for Gracie. There was a lot of feelings coming back that neither of them had felt in years. It was arguably even more difficult for Macy though, she wasn't used to the writing process, or recording, or really making music at all. It took a lot for her to be able to fill the role that Gracie needed from her. If she was the one Gracie wanted to help her write her songs she was going to do anything to be that person for her. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05 ⏰

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