Sad Louise Daisy

3 1 0

Open vials and hearts 

Upon cloudy skies

Are higher desires

Hidden in garden pots

Higher we seek to be 

Without wings to carry me

That'll be a dream

Voices repeatedly scream

My friends are shadows

Noon's a playtime spent

Only when the sun sets

Smiles fills these halls

The clouds are hazy,

Only clear eyes see

With sad louise daisy

Pastel colors that heal me

Purple cups and paint fumes

Rx filled letters pile like dunes

The only medic that paints

Lives within these shiny mints

Trapped in the swirls of color 

He desperately seeks a door

To escape this lucidity 

No haste, take it lividly!

Made flight in the eternal sunshine

this is the lightest I've been

unburdened paradise, be mine

please be with me, in times of pine

Always prescripted, never robbed

scripted, advices had me me sobbed

the greatest advice, was to keep afloat

funny how meds never gloat

Substances were great sages

meditate, until it all ages

Meaning in the end fades

Nothingness is existence pains

==Nexis Soroleum == 

 made 08/18/2017 

finished 06/23/2023 

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