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"You're a cosmetologist, right?"

It hadn't been long since her arrival at the Institution, and she was still in the process of understanding her surroundings with the rest of the batch of dolls. Classes hadn't started yet, which allowed everyone to mill about for now. For Mandy, however, they had mainly stayed indoors, going through the items placed into her tiny home and preparing herself for classes to come. She didn't feel very social yet – not after having only themselves to interact with.

On that perfectly warm morning, though, another doll, seeming to be from one of the previous batches, knocked on her door.

Mandy nodded slowly in response. "Yes," she said, "I am." They inspected the doll for a moment, noticing that her hair was a pinkish magenta, shoulder-length pigtails lazily laying behind her in navy ribbons. "And you are?"

"Kitty. You?"

"...Mandy." Mandy's face remained neutral, not knowing why this doll was even talking to her. Kitty glanced behind the doll, looking at all the small knickknacks scattered across the shelves and tables.

"Mind if I come in for a small chat?"

Mandy shrugged, stepping out of the way so that Kitty could enter the room. "Have I done something wrong?" she asked, watching as the doll plopped onto a nearby chair.


"You are one of Lou's assistants, right?"

"Oh. Yeah, I am. But you're not in any trouble." Kitty paused for a moment. "From what I know, at least." Mandy raised an eyebrow questioningly, waiting for the other to continue.

"I was sent over to fetch you for him."


"Yeah. Apparently, Lou wants you. I mean, he said to find a cosmetologist, and you're the only one of the batch, so..."

"He wants me...why?"

"'Dunno. He wasn't specific enough to tell me. But you might as well come with to find out?"

"...Alright," Mandy conceded. She'd probably need someone to show her around anyways, given that the Institution was pretty huge. She hadn't wandered fully around the Institute, but already she had a sense of its vastness.

"Let's go grab some lunch first, yeah?" Kitty offered, standing up from the chair and slightly readjusting her blazer before heading out of the house. She left the door open for Mandy who followed suit.


Mandy felt as if she was intruding as she awkwardly followed behind Kitty, who walked with an air of informality as if she wasn't just about to walk into the home of the leader of the Institute. The building itself was massive, especially compared to the tiny houses the rest of the dolls were given. It wasn't really the most welcoming structure, either - the entrance was shrouded in black glass, which seemed opaque aside from the floor lights situated within the building which shone through. Kitty didn't bother to knock, instead pushing the glass door open to let them both inside.

Inside, Mandy found herself staring at the numerous paintings on the wall, all being that of the leader himself, before the other doll nudged her to follow.

They continued into what seemed like an office, arriving in front of the large wooden desk where the figure sat.

"Ah, there you two are." Lou greeted his visitors as he set down a cup of coffee.

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