Chapter 4

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Alessia's newly furnished house exuded an air of anticipation as Lotte and her teammates gathered, ready to tackle the final stage of their furniture assembly. The room hummed with a blend of weariness and determination, each member eager to transform the space into a cozy haven for their newest team member.

Lotte, physically exhausted but mentally resolute, took charge of orchestrating the assembly process. She skillfully assigned tasks to each teammate, ensuring that everyone had a vital role in bringing the room to life. As the others delved into unpacking boxes and sorting through various components, Lotte grabbed her tools and immersed herself in the task.

The physical exertion provided her with a much-needed respite from the emotional turmoil that had plagued her throughout the day. With each turn of the screwdriver and each rhythmic tightening of bolts, she found solace in the tangible progress she was making. It granted her a temporary escape from the complexities of her relationship with Alessia, allowing her to focus on the task at hand.

As Lotte dedicated herself to the meticulous task of assembling the furniture, she couldn't escape the gentle pull of Alessia's presence. Throughout the day, Lotte had been acutely aware of Alessia's subtle attempts to bridge the emotional chasm between them. Whether it was offering a helping hand, reaching for the same tool, or attempting to spark a light-hearted conversation, Alessia's gestures were undeniable.

However, Lotte found herself unable to fully reciprocate Alessia's efforts. The emotional distance that she had materialized between them stood as a protective fortress Lotte had conscientiously constructed. It served as a shield, shielding her vulnerable heart from the potential pain that rekindling their connection might bring.

Still, as the evening wore on, Lotte couldn't shake the feeling of Alessia's eyes on her constantly, the other woman's yearning evident in her glances. It tugged at her heartstrings, igniting a longing within her that she desperately tried to suppress. But Lotte knew that succumbing to those emotions would only reopen old wounds, so she ignored that within the depths of her being, there existed an ardent longing for the comfort and familiarity they once shared.

The echoes of their laughter and the warmth of their friendship, relationships, situationship or whatever they were years ago, beckoned to her, whispering promises of what could be between them. Yet, Lotte couldn't ignore the scars etched upon her heart, remnants of past heartaches that warned of the inherent risks Alessia carried.

And so, Lotte focused her energy on the task at hand instead, maintaining a steadfast resolve to keep her emotions in check. The furniture assembly became a symbol of her determination to guard her heart and preserve her own well-being. It was an act of self-preservation, a conscious decision to shield herself from the risks and uncertainties that lay in reconnecting with Alessia.

A few hours later, as Lotte and her teammates settled into the comforting embrace of their newly furnished living room, an atmosphere of warmth enveloped the space. The soft glow of the carefully positioned lamps cast a gentle, cozy light, as if the room itself was offering a soothing hug. Laughter and lively conversation filled the air, painting a picture of togetherness.

Amidst this joyful symphony, a sudden ring at the door shattered the tranquility. "The food is here!" Alessia exclaimed, prompting the others to erupt in cheers and excitement. Startled, Lotte realized that she had been so engrossed in the lively atmosphere that she hadn't noticed her teammates placing an order for food. Perplexed, she voiced her confusion, "When did you all order food?"

Leah, already making her way towards the kitchen, responded, "Less came by while we were setting up her furniture and asked us what we wanted from the Indian restaurant." Suddenly Lotte couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment as she muttered to herself, "Well, it seems like I was forgotten then."

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