Sympathy : Yandere!Jenner x Lexi 🤍🖤

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Lexi had always.. fought.. with Jenner Keyes. but know, they were friends. Jenner was actually quite nice, but was very protective. It was Tuesday, and Lexi is in 7th grade now. Her and Jenner were having lunch.  Jenner only let Lexi and some of her female friends sit at the table. They thought it was a bit suspicious, but payed no mind. Lexi sat down with her tray and ate. 
"You look pale. Why are you so pale?" She looked up to see Jenner looking at her. "I'm not pale I just got some water on my face." Lexi replied. She continued eating as if nothing happened. But inside she was screaming. She was tired of Jenner not letting her have other friends, so she made one without him knowing. His name was Dominic. He was nice, and they knew each other from before. She liked Jenner, but he was too much. She got up and finished eating, heading outside.
She went to her locker to grab her things and head home. "Lexi! Wait!" She heard, so turned around and saw Jenner running after her. "Wait! I wanna talk to you about something!" She sighed and waited for him to catch up. "Okay! What do you want to talk about?" She asked turning away from him so that he couldn't see her face. "Well, I wanted to ask you how you feel about me." She stopped and stared at the ground. "What do you mean by that?" "I just like spending time with you. And I want us to get to be more than friends.. Is that okay?" He asked hopefully. Lexi nodded, "Yeah that's fine. I mean we hang out every day anyways. We don't need a reason to be together right?" "No. We don't need any reasons. So what do you say we go see a movie tomorrow?" Lexi smiled widely, and Jenner hugged her, "Sounds like a plan! See you tomorrow, bye!" She said, and quickly ran outside to her house. Little did Jenner know, Lexi was inviting Dominic to go with them.

The next day, Lexi and Jenner went to the movies. When they got there, Jenner saw Dominic. He was mad. Not because of Lexi though, he was mad because she invited an enemy of his over to watch a movie with them. But he didn't show it. Instead, he just walked up to Lexi and Dominic.
"Hey Lexi, I didn't know you had a friend here!" He said in the same tone he uses when telling people off or scolding his parents. Lexi rolled her eyes. "He's not my friend per se. But I would consider him a friend if you could stop calling him an enemy, please." Jenner looked at the two then back at Lexi. "Ok let's just go in" they payed for tickets and went in. The movie was a bit scary, but Jenner liked it. They were in, and Lexi, unsurprisingly, got scared. She jumped and Dominic caught her. "You good?" he asked. Lexi nodded, and Jenner looked jealous as fuck.
Once the movie ended, they left the theater and walked to Lexi's house. Dominic and Lexi were talking when someone tapped them on the shoulder. Jenner turned around. "Can I talk to you a second.. Alone?" Lexi nodded and went into the house leaving Dominic and Jenner alone. Jenner decided to walk Dominic home that night.
The following day, Dominic was gone. His disappearance was not documented, but his parents kept it to themselves. Lexi did not know yet, however. She walked to school. "where's Dominic?" she asked Jenner. Jenner shrugged. "I honestly don't know, but he was here this morning and wasn't here today." Lexi looked upset. Jenner didn't look guilty at all. He masked it. For what he had done was unfaithful and sinful, murderous and jealous. She missed her best friend. The bell rang and they both headed to their classes.
After lunch, Lexi was walking home. It was another rainy day.  As she walked through the street, someone grabbed her wrist tightly. "Let go of me!" Lexi shouted trying to pull away. Whoever grabbed her also pulled out a knife, and pointed it to Lexi's throat. The attacker looked familiar. A boy with blonde hair, hazel eyes, and a short figure. "Jenner?" she asked. Jenner chuckled nervously. "Why are you here? Where's Dominic? What did you do?" Lexi asked. "You know Dominic? You can tell your little friends not to mess with me." He pulled Lexi closer and whispered in her ear, "I would kill anyone for you, I would kill myself for you. make sure it doesn't happen again, Lexi" and then let her go.
She stood there speechless.  She never made a male friend again.

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