Green : Lexi x Juggalo!Allix/Stan 💜

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Stan/Allix will be usually he/they to respect the actor and character.

Lexi was just now on her way to Stans. She had been staying at his house for weeks on end, and was going back. They were planning on swimming again.  When she got there, the happiness she felt grew. Stan made her very happy. They decided to swim, but this time Lexi brought her red swimsuit that she calls her "sexy mom" swimsuit. Stan didn't notice, but Lexi was fantasizing about it the whole time. The pool is where they have their deepest conversations anyway. Lexi jumped in hurriedly and they began to talk. Her voice was often laced with boredom, but today it was just.. love. She didn't know what but she was just too happy to think of anything else.  It didn't matter if someone was around them, or not. Just them. And it felt like they could be there forever."You should go get dressed now," he said, breaking the spell she created between them. She nodded and quickly got changed in a hurry. When she came out of the room, Stan still stood there with his arms crossed over his chest. He had an expressionless face on as usual. "come on Lex, let's go dye my hair green" Lexi was taken aback. She always is when Stan does nice things. Communication isn't the twos strong suit. Even so, with the differences they still get along quite well.

"Lex?" Lexi asked blushing. Stan sighed. "If you say anything again I will punch you so hard" he said. She nodded and they went to the bathroom to dye Stan's hair green. "Green is just one of my favorite colors now" He said to Lexi as Stan's mom dyed his hair.  She looked up at him then smiled."I can tell" Lexi said smiling. "It suits you". Stan smiled back at her before looking back at his mother. Lexi's heart fluttered a little bit, as she saw how cute he was.She wanted to ask him something. If only the opportunity presented itself. But as it did many times before, she couldn't. Her anxiety often got the better of her when it came to him. He was often rude, they were very different. But she still loved him anyway.

A/N: They weren't really dating in this universe by the way, just crushing.

Lexi came in and saw Stans hair bright green. Lexi blushed pretty hard. It wasn't that she found herself staring at his beautiful face, no, she just wanted to hold him and make sure he wasn't going anywhere. So she tried her best to contain her laughter. It didn't work. She burst into giggles and almost collapsed on the floor. Stan looked up confused. "What's the joke?"  Lexi laughed even harder. She didn't answer him though.  Eventually, she calmed down and explained to him what was funny. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion, but he laughed with her too, which made Lexi happier than ever. They left the bathroom after that. Lexi sat on Stans bed. They talked and talked as she stared at his soft lips and eyes. Her face always heated. He liked making her flustered anyway. They decided the play Minecraft. Stan soon got scared because of a minecraft bat. He was so fucking cute, Lexi thought. His beautiful now green hair glistened in the light. "damn that bat scared me" he said.  "you must have pissed yourself. I hope so," Lexi said laughing. Stan laughed too. They kept on playing together until it was dark out and they finally decided to go sleep.  As Lexi laid in the covers, her mind drifted to all sorts of thoughts.  She wondered about her feelings for Stan, and wondered about his feelings towards her. She wondered why they don't seem to fit perfectly. She wondered how he'd react if she told him everything she felt.  That night she fell asleep pondering about those questions. She also enjoyed looking at his face.

She really wanted to kiss him.   Lexi sighed and closed her eyes. This is what I want, she thought. It'll never be possible unless we try, right?  So that's what she would do. No hesitation. She would tell him. She would tell him everything. She hoped it wouldn't ruin their friendship though. They both needed each other, she knew that. He was important to her. They were two halves of a whole. A complete person. And it seemed fitting that they would work together perfectly. She felt safe with him and he made her feel like herself. She trusted him and that's exactly what she did. So, she told him. "uh stan. I think..I think I like you" his shock wore off. "oh. did you not take the hint?" "WHAT" her blush rose. "yeah, heh. guess you didn't" He leaned in as their lips  drew closer. Lexi was frozen. This is it. The first time. Her heart sped up. Their lips touched. Nothing happened at first. Then they kissed harder and deeper. Her hands tangled themselves into his hair and she pushed him onto the bed. Lexi pulled away for hair. "s-Stan?" his iPod started played "Hokus Pokus"  from ICP. His face turned red but he started laughing. "sorry, that was fucking funny" they were both laughing before she pulled him in again. He was cut off. "damn." is all he said. They did make out for a bit before cuddling. "we should have done this a long time ago" Lexi agreed.

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