Chapter 6

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(Auhor's Note: Hello! Sorry for the slow update <3 I hope you like this chapter :) )

The elders hurried to Zira's side when blood kept coming out of her nose. They quickly took her back to the tower, where some mages helped her using their small healing powers and special stones.

Kianna sat next to Zira and asked if she was okay. Zira nodded and rested her head on the headboard.

After making sure that her complexion was back to normal, Kianna stood up. "Alright then, I'll go now. Rest up," then walked up to the door.

"Lherys is back," Zira said, and she watched Kianna halt from her steps, and the other mages looked at her in surprise. Kianna turned to face her slowly; her face showed no sign of surprise.

She must have expected it, Zira thought.

"I saw through my vision," she said. "But he's coming back in a different body. He's destroying the city and hurting anyone who tries to stop him."

The room suddenly became tense, and Kianna took a deep breath. "That crazy bastard. If that's the case, we need to strengthen our barrier, priestess," she said, looking at Zira.

"Yes, I'll do it before dawn," Zira nodded.

"I'll talk to the other elders and the committee. We'll see you later," Kianna said, leaving her room with the other mages, with only Lianna at her side.


Cassia threw everything she had seen into ruins in a fit of rage, frustration, and regret over being unable to help Cillian. Going to Dominus' mansion was an irreversible mistake. They were unaware he was under the control of a spirit engaged in black magic, which had found the ideal host in her brother.

In addition to taking control of Cillian's body, Dominus kept both of her parents to keep demanding monthly sacrifices from her and continue to deliver the "pets."

Cassia felt utterly helpless and broken. Broken-hearted? She grinned a wry smirk. My heart's supposed to be dead. Why, then, does it ache so unbearably?

Her gaze drifted towards the piano, its ebony keys a haunting reminder of her brother's once masterful touch.

She turned her attention away as the butler's footsteps approached, accompanied by the soft sounds of brushes sweeping up the shattered glasses. She sank into the chair beside the instrument, her customary place.

No words passed her lips as she sought solace amidst the mess she had caused.

"Father, what should I do? ... Mother, I am lost," she pleaded, her hands covering her tear-streaked face. Blood tears welled in her eyes, staining her cheeks as they fell.

"Brother, how can I help you when I am just a weak vampire?"

Her sobs resonated through the room.

Cassia's gaze lifted, her face a canvas stained with her cries, and she settled upon the window.

The werewolves.

She shook her head instantly, in disbelief at her own thoughts. "Cassia, what foolishness is this?" she scolded herself, incredulous at the idea that the werewolves would help her.

They will never help you, Cassia, she chided herself, her trembling hand brushing away the stains of blood tears.

Vampires and werewolves had always been at odds like oil and water don't mix. She knew trying to ally with them would be impossible, like a punch to the moon.

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