Chapter 7

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"Would you like us to draw some blood from this werewolf, my lord?" Helena asked Cillian.

"Yes," Cillian replied, his gaze fixed intensely on Enzy. His lips curled into a grin as if he knew something no one else knew. "I need the hybrids ready before the next full moon."

He made his way toward the door, leaving Kaius and Helena to bow their heads before following him out.

Once they left the cell, Enzy's body fell to the floor, unsupported, creating a dull thud against the cold ground.

I need to get out of here, Enzy thought, gritting his teeth as he resisted the effects of the burning incense, determined to stay awake. He tried to lift his upper body, but the weight of his exhaustion pulled him back down.

His mind raced, thinking about what would happen after the vampires drew blood from him.

Would they keep him as a living blood bank or simply end his life?

Enzy scoffed at the thought. There was no doubt in his mind—he would rather die than become a blood supply for these parasites.

Then, his thoughts drifted to his pack. He could only imagine them getting worried, but at the same time, he hoped they wouldn't make any impulsive decisions or everything he's done would be useless.

He'd rather keep them safe than have them rescue him without knowing the extent of the danger that awaits them.

Time seemed to crawl as he lay there, waiting. But no vampires returned to the cell, leaving his gaze fixated on the diminishing incense. A glimmer of hope sparked within him as he observed the shrinking stick, estimating it would burn out in just a few minutes.

He lay flat on his back, staring at the rough brick ceiling.

Despite his dire situation, his mind wandered to Tahel and Ruslan's school presentation. He remembered them asking for his help while buried in some office paperwork. Taking a break, he reviewed their work, guiding them through the possible revisions. He realized they were lost in a daze and decided to make it for them.

But now he's trapped in this cell, and he could only wish the two had managed to finish it.

His gaze returned to the dwindling incense. Thinning until it vanished, he could finally breathe freely.

Enzy mustered his strength, pushed himself up, and leaned against the rough walls. His eyes scanned the wide cell, searching for any possible weak spot. Then, remembering the dark mages, he tightly shut his eyes.

"Shit. Shit. Shit," Enzy muttered under his breath.

Who am I kidding? They've probably sealed this place with their magic.

He was getting more desperate as time passed, and all he could think of was how to escape.

The sound of approaching footsteps snapped him back to reality, and he quickly flopped back down on the cold floor, pretending to be unconscious.

Sure enough, Cillian returned with the two vampires, casting an eerie shadow over the cell. Helena wasted no time and ordered Kaius to wake Enzy from his feigned slumber.

"He's already awake," Cillian sneered, sitting in a nearby chair. "Rise, werewolf," he commanded, his eyes gleaming with mockery over Enzy's situation.

Enzy rose immediately, his body moving as if controlled by invisible strings. His gaze met Cillian's, stone-cold and steely, making the vampire chuckle, echoing ominously around the cell.

Kaius moved forward to him, and his heart started pounding hard in his chest, his muscles tensing in anticipation of the pain.

It didn't take long when a sharp, searing pain pierced Enzy's neck, jolting him to the core. It wasn't just fangs sinking into his flesh, but something far more grotesque—a hand with a mouth on its palm, drinking his blood. The agony intensifies with each passing moment, making him whimper and writhe.

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