xoxo Chapter 1 xoxo

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Choi YN was always one for trouble. The school knew her for that, her whole world knew her for that. She wasn't scared of getting caught, and she wasn't scared of any punishment either. Only, she never thought things could go this far.

"YN! It's been the second time this week!"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." How easy to say.


But the young girl walked away into the cold of Seoul streets. Night calmed her. Only this wasn't any night.

YN started running, afraid her mother would follow her, only stopping when she felt out of breath. For her age, she was in great shape, but she also had ran for quite awhile. Her mother did scare her, even though she would never admit it. In the somber nigh her dyed pink hair felt out of place.

The girl walked over to a small alleyway, looking back. The stars were crowding the sky in a multitude of crystals, all reflecting into YNs hazel eyes.

Suddenly, she heard a sound.

The girl turned around defensively.

"Who is there?"

No one answered.

But the second she looked away suddenly all light was gone.

"Who is it? Yena I swear it's not funny!"

She kept kicking and kicking. YN would rather have someone screaming at her on top of their lungs, for at least something would be happening. But silence... she hated it.

"I swear if you don't..."

"Can you shut her up?", the young girl heard a voice whisper hastily.

She felt her body being carried away.

"Who is it? Answer me! I will keep screaming until you do! Oh you bet I know how to scream! Answer!"

A small cough echoed. Then nothing.

A while passed, in which YN kept screaming and shouting out. She wasn't going to let whoever was kidnapping her win. Maybe she would die today, but she would die in honor. She was not going to let them see her face in tears.

"I swear I will call my friends! They're in a gang! And they smoke pot and I mean I don't smoke because I don't like cancer but they do so technically it means I'm cool as well-"


The girl stopped instantly, freezing up.

"Hyunjin! It's funny because my math teacher is called that as well, and I hate him! What Hyunjin are you? Jung Hyunjin? Lee Hyunjin?"

"You do realize we are being serious?", the cold voice let out.

"Choi Hyunjin? Han Hyunjin? Oh, that sounds funny! Kim Hyunjin! It must be-"

"Hwang Hyunjin."

The girl heard a small chuckle coming from another voice. A deeper one, with more soul to it.

"Oh my god Mister Hwang! I know I failed that test about... actually I don't know, haha... but anyways it isn't worth kidnapping me over!"


"And I may have called you a pig, but you know, they're cute! Many people adopt them and-"

YN heard another chuckle coming from the deep-voiced stranger, before he was made to shut up by his companion.

"Oh my god! Mister Hwang... You do realize I am 16? Don't tell me you are... Oh my god Mister Hwang!"

The man stopped in his tracks.

"Shut her up, Felix."

"Oh my god! You do realize you're 43 and I am only-"

"I'm 17... and... and it's not like that."

Both the girl and the stranger, Felix, laughed.

"I knew. Just messing with you."

Faced to the silence, the girl added, "By the way, my math teacher's name is Park Suah, and she's super nice."

A long silence echoed, in which faint laughter could be heard.

"Felix! You sound nice! Can't you let me go!", YN let out.

"Am I your chemistry teacher or something?", the boy teased, before crying out.

"Ow, mate! What was that for??"

"This is a serious job. Stop joking around."

YN rolled her eyes, feeling more at ease.

"Hyunjin!! Relax!"

"Another word and you lose a finger."

"Aw, I am so scared!"

Hyunjin was surprised. He had never seen anyone like that. The girl was being kidnapped, her fate was in his hands, and she showed no sign of fear whatsoever. Hell, she was talking about zodiac signs with that good for nothing Felix.

"Oh, so you're a Virgo? I didn't know Virgos had such attractive voices!"

"You think my voice is attractive?"

Enough was enough.

"For hell's sake, Felix. Be quiet."

This time, the boy had brought a knife to his coworkers neck.

"Bang Chan ordered us to find a decoy, not a friend, and definitely not someone you should be talking to."

"Are you a Scorpio?"

Hyunjin nearly jumped at the girl's sudden interruption, dropping the knife he was holding. What was up with her?

"Pisces.", he mumbled, regaining his composure.

"Well, then where the hell is the compassion? I read the horoscope twen-"

The boy was tired of this. He pressed his hand onto YN's mouth, making it hard to breathe for her, and quickened his pace.

"My... face... hurts...", the girl let out faintly.

"Yeah? My ears hurt."

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