| Chapter 4 |

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"Ok let's do this" I mumbled under my breath. But then I realised I didn't have a plan. How am I supposed to make Wally remember me? Or bring me into his 'dimension' or whatever it's called?

For the second time now I turned the socket on that was behind the TV. And once again it startled me. Some things never change.

I grabbed a random tape the sat closest to me and placed it into the ancient contraption. The same intro played and showed the colourful characters that made up the logo.

Welcome Home

The scene started with a view of the sky. After a couple seconds the camera lowered down to show a beautiful flower field. Then there he was, popping out of nowhere.

"Hello again Neighbour! How was your day?" Wally greeted me with his usual unchangeable smile.

"I know you can see me Wally. And I know, you know who I am" I said to him with a straight face.Wally just stayed silent with his head now down.

"Wally?" I asked a bit concerned that I may have scared him a bit. He lifted his face with a guilty smile somehow changing his face.

"Haha. You caught me Y/N. As intuitive as ever" He admitted with a chuckle while everting his gaze.

I realised how weird this was. I was talking to a puppet from an old show for children in my TV.

I cleared my throat before speaking with him. "Soo.." Oh no, I didn't think this far. What do I do?

"Y/N?" Wally called out to get my attention. I looked up into his plastic eyes.

"Yea?" I replied. Wally raised his right arm, reaching it out for me, as if he wanted me to take it.

"Could you place your hand on the screen please?" He bashfully requested. And I did so.

My left hand was placed on the warm glowing screen, it was right next to Wally's sleepy face.

"This might feel a bit weird" He warned out of nowhere. Wally's hand reached out from the screen and firmly grabbed my wrist pulling me into the TV.

"Wha- WHAAaa..." I screamed out in terror as I departed from my world, into an odd environment.

Everything went slow. Like I was in water, my clothes and hair flowed around like they were dancing.

All around me was shards of glass as if like when I was pulled through the screen it broke and separated into millions of glowing and shining gems.

Wally's hand was still in mine as I was continuously pulled into a new surroundings of static and then the primary colours of red, green and blue.

After a couple seconds I was now in the sky above the clouds. I felt like I was flying. Untill I started to plummet down creating a me shaped hole in the cloud that was once under me.

"AAAAH!" I screamed from the top of my lungs. Wally did this to kill me I thought. He was angry that I didn't talk to him anymore.

Bracing myself for an incredibly painful impact, I felt my self start to slow down. It felt like I was gently placed on the floor by a large hand.

My eyes stayed closed, too scared to absorb the new situation I was in, as I was still processing what just happened. I felt the grass and the soft petals of flowers under and around my body. The warm sun was glowing through my closed eyelids.

"You can open your eyes now, Y/N dear" Wally said, I could practically hear his smile.

As I was lying down, I rose up to sit on my knees. I looked around in awe, I was in the beautiful flower meadow with Wally.

I then looked at him with a look mixed with shock, anger and mostly confusion. But it immediately changed when I saw his height.

"Aww your so small!" I cooed, I also realised he seemed more realistic like he was made from flesh and bone. I reached to touch his small cheek. He was warm.

But I failed to notice his cheeks slightly turning pink due to my sudden, gentle touch.

"Haha Y/N I'm not that small... you just grew" He replied while looking me up and down with his lazy eyes.

"Of course I did, it's been like ten years" I explained rubbing the back of my neck.

"It's been a while Y/N hasn't it?" Wally asked while sitting down like me. I only nodded in response.

"Yeah about that... I'm sorry I stopped visiting" I quietly apologised while looking at the grass and flowers beneath me.

Wally only sighed and crossed his arms. "Hey, it's ok... I just missed you." He said calmly but there was a hint is upset in his tone.

I started to silently panic. What do I do now?! What do I say?

"Umm hey Wally?"

"Yes darling?"

"W-well... would you like some gum?"


I'm back! Sort of... I'm still not ready to write yet, but I know it's been a while since I last uploaded. I apologise if this chapter is really short but I'm just really busy and tired soo... pls no hate.

And when I went back on this app... oh my days! Over 300 reads?! Thank you guys so so much. It made my whole month!

Have a hug and kiss. I love you all so much! /p.

(ノ' з ')ノ

Remember to drink some water and remember that someone loves you <3


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