Chapter 2.

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~>*Time skip*~> –[Storybrooke]– ~>*A Day, before the dark curse was broken ~>Amelia's POV*<~

(At the hospital, Paul, and Henry is wheeled in on a gurney as Annabelle, Axle, Emma, Ella, follows. Dr. Whale and several nurses attend to Paul and Henry.)

"Dad and Henry, can you hear me? Come on, Dad, and Henry. Wake up, please. Come on, Dad, and Henry. Come on. You both can do it." Emma said as I had tears in my eyes.

"Ma'am, let me take you to-" A nurse said as I got her away from Emma.

"No, we are not going anywhere!" I tell her as she nods, then continues to help Dr. Whale with Paul and Henry. 

"There's no pupil response. What happened? Did they fall? Hit their heads?" Dr. Whale asked as I was showing him a baggie that had the turner overs in it.

"They ate these. I think they're poisoned." I said trying not to cry even more.

"Their airways are clear. Did they vomit? Any convulsion or disorientation?" Dr. Whale asked as I shook my head side to side.

"They took a bite of these, and then they just collapsed. So, run the test for arsenic, or bleach, or Drano, or whatever could've done this to them!" Emma said as I nodded in agreement, I was terrified for Paul and Henry.

"they are showing no symptoms that would suggest neurotoxins. So, whatever's going on, this is not the culprit." Dr. Whale said as I needed answers.

"Well, what the fuck else could it be?" I asked as I was trying not to cry uncontrollable.

"I don't know. That's what I'm trying to find out." Dr. Whale said as I nod.

"They're going to be okay, though, right?" I asked as I looked at Paul and Henry, with tears in my eyes.

"Right now, we just need to stabilize them, cause he's slipping away. Is there anything else that you can remember? Any little detail?" Dr. Whale asked as I had enough.

"We already told you everything. Fucking, do something!" I shout as I was so mad.

"Look, I understand you're frustrated, Miss Stanley, I do. But I need something to treat. And, right now, there is no explanation. It's like..." Dr. Whale said as I dump out the contents of Henry's backpack onto a table. I see his book.

"Like fucking magic." I mutter to myself as I picks up the book and my mind is filled with memories from the Fairy Tale World, particularly the time, when I took my triplets, to the real world, When I come to couscous, Regina frantically rushes into the room.

"Where's my son, and brother-law?" Regina said as I was pissed.

"You did this." Emma said as she grabs Regina and drags her to a storage room. There, Emma throws her against a storage rack. Emma continues the attack, while Regina struggles to defend herself. Emma ultimately ends up pinning Regina to the wall.

"You did this!" Emma yelled as I got her away from Regina.

"What the hell are you doing? Stop this! My son-" Regina said as I made her shut up.

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