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Wither, with a very straight face: Don't challenge Death to a pillow fight. Unless you're prepared for the reaper cushions.

Zombie: Reaper cushions?

Herobrine: Repercussions.

Zombie: Ohhhhhhhh.


Zombie: What does that mean?


Skeleton: A man walks into an enchanted forest and tries to cut down a talking tree. "You can't cut me down," the tree exclaims, "I'm a talking tree!" The man responds, "You may be a talking tree, but you will dialogue."

Pigman: Ain't a dialogue a conversation?

Skeleton, audibly sighing: I want you to think it over very carefully. Tree. Dialogue.

Pigman: Hmmmm...

Pigman: I still don't get it.


Wither: What does my dad have in common with Nemo? They both can't be found.

Creeper: Isn't your dad dead?


Wither: *Leaves the room without another word


Wither: It's important to establish a good vocabulary. If I had known the difference between the words "antidote" and "anecdote," one of my best friends would still be alive.

Zombie: Funny, I don't know what half of those words mean.

Herobrine: You just have a really fucked up past, don't you?

Wither: Like you can talk.


Slime: When does a joke become a dad joke?

Zombie: Hey, I know this one! When it becomes apparent!

Slime: No. It's when it leaves you and never comes back.

Zombie: Oh.


Wither: See Zombie, you're not completely useless. You can always be used as a bad example.

Zombie: Thanks Wither!


Zombie: Hey, wait-


Wither: "I'm sorry" and "I apologize" mean the same thing. Except at a funeral.


Enderman: Istg if you're referring to my father's funeral, I will commit an act of murder.

Wither: *muffled laughter


Pigman: Never break someone's heart, they only have one of those. Break their bones instead, they have 206 of them.

Zombie: Jokes on you, most my bones are already broken!

Skeleton: *Panicking in a corner

Wither, holding a frying pan: Don't you ever come near us ever again.


Zombie: Why are friends a lot like snow? If you pee on them, they disappear.

Creeper: Excuse me, what-


Pigman: Why don't skeletons ever go trick or treating? Because they have no body to go with.

Skeleton: I feel targeted-

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