Chapter 15

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I apply the last bit of blush when Jace enters from the bathroom,  he's dressed in blue trousers a white button down and a tie to match his slacks his shoes shiny and polished . I'm wearing a white off the shoulder blouse with blue skinny jeans and white sneakers . I kept my hair in my bun , "Are you ready to go ?" He asks
I nodd , he pets sparkles as she basks in the warm Hawaiian sun . He locks the door and we walk side by side next to each other in the hallway .
"Valente " I say
"Yeah ?" He replies Turing his head in my direction
"What are we going to do about your dad , he knows I'm not a doctor "
"Yeah " he says as we turn into an elevator.  We step inside and he presses a button . It's silent for a moment
"Jace awnser me ! " I snap. 
"Jane , I don't know what to do okay , my dad isn't supposed to be here , I came here to represent him were both screwed if the truth comes out . We're just going to have to keep them apart. There is not much we can do "
I sigh and cross my arms the elevator bings open and we step out walking to the boardroom .
"What are we - " I try to say but Jace stops 
"Dad " he greets
"Afternoon son " he nodds "Jane " he acknowledges my presence .
I stick out my hand to him to shake it but he ignores me lifting his head a little higher . I scoff and walk to the bathroom . Delilah exits and bumps into me .
"Oopsies , you okay sweetie ?" She asks .
"I'm fine " I say , I notice Delilah looking me up and down .
"What is the problem now ?" I ask my tone a little louder "I know that look "
"Oh it's nothing " she pulls her mouth into a straight line "Are you really gonna wear that to a meeting ?" She says as the points her finger up and down addressing the length of my body . "We're you and Jace a little busy when you were supposed to get ready , I see your hair is a mess " she says curling a loose lock around her finger then  letting go .
I press my lips together.
"I uhm need to use the bathroom " I say passing her and going into a stall .
"You know Angie, I'm surprised you actually have a fiancé. Even if it's Pepperoni face,  he's just as much of a weirdo as you , " she laughs
I stay silent hoping for her to go away . I'm trying to keep myself calm , doing this for mom .

This reminds me way to much of high school. I'd hide in the bathroom to escape Delilah and her group of friends . I hear the door open and shut , she left .
I exhale . I unlock the door and head for the exit
"Son this is Delilah a remarkable neurologists from New York . " I stop and listen by the door .
"We've met " I hear Jace's voice .
"Why don't you two go get coffee after this meeting " his dad insists
"Perhaps another time , I have plans with my fiancé " he says
"Jace this isn't your honey moon , that nurse of yours will be okay without you. Don't be rude go drink coffee with Delilah ."
Delilah smiles at him . He nodds . "Very well then " he says .
I go back into the bathroom . I stare at my reflection in the mirror . I take my hair down and shake it out . I dig around in my purse to get my hairbrush. I wet the front of my hair and comb it back to straighten the curls . I twist it back into a neater bun . Apply more foundation , more mascara , more contour . I sigh as I look at myself back in the mirror , force a smile and exit .

I sit in the boardroom feeling as stupid as the day I failed my physics exam . My mom is showing an open floor plan of the hospital explaining how it will be layed out and built , I assume she's looking for people who want to buy shares in the hospital so that she can build it . All of the people are nodding and understanding , I feel out of place . I look to Jace . He's taking notes while his father looks at him and Delilah's acrylicked hands way to close to his free hand resting on the table . She pretends to be focused on my mom's presentation. Jace looks up and meets my eye , he flashes me a quick smile and goes back to his scribbling.

After the meeting I slip out of the room as fast as possible. I speedwalk to our hotel room. I unlock the door , step inside I lean against the door as I breathe. Sparkles jumps from where she was laying and trots over to me . I scratch the top of her small head , I go to the bathroom and change into my swimsuit with shorts . On my way out i grab the journal hidden in my bag with my black pen , I pull the hairtie out of my hair and open the sliding door . I hear the loud crash of the waves as my toes touch sand for the first time since I got here . I dig my feet deeper into the sand . Sparkles follows me outside . I smile as I walk closer to the water . The moment the saltwater washes over my feet I'm overcome with joy , I have no care in the world at this very moment . I just watch and listen . Sparkles let's out a raspy yap and I look down at her . She picks up a stick and I take it from her . I throw it for her and she runs with those tiny legs of hers to catch it . I chuckle . As she comes running back with it .
We play fetch in the water and the small waves crash over my ankles , sparkles gets soaked . I walk higher up the sand and put my journal down with my towel .
"C'mon Sparkles " I say siking her up , I ditch my shorts , her tail wags uncontrollably as we run down to the water . I run my feet splashing the water droplets onto my skin until I'm about knee depth in the water I see a wave approaching and I rush deeper into the water as I fall backward into the waves and my head goes underwater . I come up nose first and feel the sun shining on my face . My eyes are still closed as I slick my wet hair out of my face , my hands rest on the back of my neck as I look over at the horizon the sun getting tired and the birds dancing in the sky . A wave of pure joy washes over me and I start laughing out of the depths of my stomach , like a little girl. I feel free and infinite this moment . I throw the water in the air . I dive back into a upcoming wave as I feel the saltwater free my soul . I come back up and Sparkles doggy paddles to me . I pull her into my arms and laugh as she licks my face and barks .

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