Chapter 10

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" I'll leave you two to check in , I still need to go pick up some other guests from the airport " , my mother says taking her keys and leaving
I look to Valente as we both make our way to the receptionist
" Hi " I greet
" Hello , welcome to Waikiki beachfront hotel , my name is Grace how may I assist you today ? " she says warmly
"We are both here to check in " I smile re-adjusting my bag
" Surnames please? " she says placing her hands on the keyboard
" Valente and Garcia " I say as she types away
" Are you here for Mrs Garcia's new medicine launch ? " she asks , and I nodd ,  "It seems like Mrs Garcia booked both of you in the same room , Angelica Garcia and Jace Valente , if I'm not mistaken "
" No , this is Jane . You must be mistaken for her sister " Valente says 
" Can I please see your ID ? " she asks , I nodd and give it to her .
She switches gazes between the screen and my ID " The two numbers add up and Mrs Garcia did book both of you in the same room there is no error from the hotels side "
" Yes thank you , Jace has forgotten Jane is only my nickname " I say squeezing his cheek and slapping it a bit harder than I intended to . His eye twitches , but he refuses to put his hand on his face
" My apologies " she says ,"this is Connor he will take your suitcases " she nodds to the young  gentleman with brown dyes and dark blonde curls dressed in a suit who takes our stuff " Please enjoy your stay with us , we hope you have an amazing business trip " she greets and Jace and I follow Connor to our room .

" Here we are , Waikiki beachfront hotel honeymoon suite " he says as he opens the door to our room , I gasp in awe as I see the room . There is a small hallway leading to the living room and small kitchen with a huge tv and a beautiful view over the beach and mountains , Connor opens another room reavealling our bedroom , there is only one bed ... The bed has wooden frames with white curtains tied around it , the whole room is made of wood with a dresser on the right hand side of the room with a closet next to it . Our room has a huge balcony with a small staircase leading down to a private beach . Valente calmly walks around the room his hands in his pockets . The final room has a modern designed white bathtub and a shower as big as the wall with two basins and a huge mirror . The whole room is tiled in grey with a splash of greenery . It's beautiful . Connor sets our suitcases in the corner of the room .
" This is your room service phone , all of the hotel information is printed on this paper , Mrs Garcia also had a schedule printed for her guests which we placed here for you ,  please enjoy your stay " he says , Valente tips him and Connor leaves .

I breathe deeply as I sit on the memory foam mattress admiring the beautiful design and decor of the room . Valente walks to the open sliding door the island breeze blowing the curtain up and down . He looks out at the waves crashing on the sand not very far away from our room his posture firm and tense as he comes back inside . It's silent and awkward until Valente opens his mouth to speak .
" You never told me your real name is Angelica " he says as something in his composure has changed
My heart drops , in fear of what Valente might say or do .
" I never thought it mattered " I say softly
" No , it doesn't " Valente says returning to himself " It doesn't " he repeats softly .

Sparkles trots closer to me and jumps on the bed making herself comfortable . " Sparkles seems to have the right idea , we are here to relax after all " I say falling backwards on the bed
" Maybe you are , yes but I have business to attend fastidiosa " he breathes deeply " But I agree we should enjoy ourselves something like this doesn't just happen everyday  " he walks to the coffee table and picks up the schedule " It's seems like we have a dinner party to attend tonight , in all white "
I sit upright excitement bubbling in my chest , I brought the perfect dress .

The sun is busy setting over the water the sky in orange red and dark blue clouds , I'm seated by the dresser putting on my earrings and I apply a dark rosy pink shade of lipstick to my lips . Valente exits the bathroom steam and the scent if his clean navy scented cologne escaping the bathroom . He's focused on rolling up his sleeves up to his elbows , he's dressed in white trousers and a white button down untucked . I stand up to slip on my shoes . I stand in front of the full body mirror inspecting my dress . It's a strapless white silk dress scrunched in the top with the sides of my waist exposed , giving it a monokini effect . My hair is parted in the middle and pooka shells tied around my neck .
" How do I look ? " I ask looking back in the mirror seeing Valente already staring at me his mouth agape his head lowered . He closes his eyes and subtly shakes his head .
" You look nice " he shrugs , his comment makes me 90% sure he wasn't just staring at me like his thoughts didn't just get rude . " Are you ready ? " he asks
I nodd
" Be a good girl Sparkles , I'll be back later sweetheart " he kisses his dog on her forehead and opens the door for me . I hold my clutch in both my hands as he locks the door .

We head to the party set up on the beach . It's decorated in gold lights on the table ,  music playing and fancy people dressed in all white . There are fire torches lighting the entrance to the party  and the beach with the last rays of sun illuminating the background of the party .
" You ready ? " I ask looking at Valente
" As ready as I'll ever be "
We both take a deep deep breath as I hook my arm into his and we walk to the reception . We greet people as we walk past .
" Remember my name is Jace , you can't call me Valente " he whispers , casually greeting other guests walking past .
" My name is also Angelica , but you can still call me Jane " he nodds .
Jace . Jace . Jace remember , Jace cusses under his breath .
" What , what ? " I ask caught off guard by his swear word .
" My dad , what is he doing here ? "
My eyes scan for ol'moustache in the croud and I see him talking to my mom . Somebody with a tray containing champagne glasses walks past , Jace takes a glass of champagne and gulps it down in one sip . He wipes the excess off of his mouth .

" Angie ? " a all too familiar voice calls for me in the croud , I pivot my head in the direction and my courage sinks in my shoes . Delilah
" Is it really you? " she calls out as she looks at me in disbelief . I did grow taller than her . She's still smaller than me . She's dressed elegantly in a white long dress that is open on her lower back and it complements her tanned skin perfectly , topped with a plumeria flower in her black hair that is tied in a messy  lower bun .
" How are you ? " she asks placing her slender freshly done manicured hand on my arm . She's sounds so nice . I hate her .
" I'm good " I say matching her fake smile .
" Who's this handsome devil ? " she asks nudging my arm .
" This is my fiance , Jace " I tilt my head to the side as I pull Jace closer to me . He looks at me in confusion until his eyes meet Delilah's majestic hazel eyes . He already has a new champagne glass in his hand .
" Hey Delilah " he says
" You know my name ? " she laughs surprised " Angie must have told you a lot about me then ? " she smiles almost proud of herself .
" No , it's me Jace , Jace Valente " he says unfazed by her comment his face neutral
" Pepperoni face ? " she asks disbelief all over her face . He nodds smiling , clearly detesting the high school memories that are flowing back to him .
" Wow " she chuckles " You've changed " she shakes her head " And you're a doctor ? "
Jace nodds
" What is your speciality ? " Delilah asks
" I'm a pediatrician " he says
" Oh I'm a neurologist " Delilah brags " How about you Angie ? " she asks catching me off guard " Or did you do something else , I'm assuming your school points didn't add up " she asks nicely
" Actually Delilah , I'm a board certified dermatologist " I say ever so confidently
Jace jerks his head back and smiles a sly smile at me  " Yeah , we work at the same hospital " . He smiles at me his hands grazing the side of my waist . Fear and excitement explodes in my veins he's playing along . Delilah seems to notice as her gaze shifts ever so slightly . My mom enters the conversation her blonde hair tied in a high ponytail with a long piece of white fabric draped over her left shoulder with her one shoulder dress that goes down to her knees . Ol'moustache following close behind her .
" Ah Margaret , I see you have met my father , Salvador Valente "
" Yes , he is a charm isn't he . I see where you got your looks from " she teases . Jace smiles taking a sip from his champagne . Jace's father looks at him concern playing in his face .
" Son , is this your first glass of champagne? " Jace raises an eyebrow at his father . " Yes dad , I'm not irresponsible " he laughs " I won't disappoint you " . My mom smiles awkwardly .
"I'm very glad our children are engaged , aren't you Salvador ? "
" Indeed , it just happend very fast ." Ol'moustache says .
" Hey Margaret " Delilah greets my mom giving her airy kisses
" Salvador , please let me introduce you to the daughter I never had , this is Delilah "
" Pleased to meet you Delilah " he greets politely giving her a kiss on the hand .
"Please the pleasure is mine sir " Delilah says smiling with her perfect white teeth .

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