Deep within the green

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Down in the green its a mystical place to be,
for many sights and wonders to behold and see.

From creatures friendly and odd, real and legend.
The stories of myth kept its intrigue strengthened.

it being landmarked by every plant, flower, and tree,
home to animals as big as a gorilla and as small as a bee.

But if the legends ring true, just for a second,
you may run into these creatures of legend.

From the unicorns, lost in their grace
and centaurs who will always keep up with your pace,

Seeing the dragons with pride, will take away your fear.
Except for those banshees, who will deafen your ear.

So if you ever wonder in this place of peace,
your worries and panic will all come to cease.

Unless the Tylwyth teg find you, with their mischievous personalty,
who will always try to annoy you with their sheer tenacity.


A Boy from the Valley {Poems}Where stories live. Discover now