
40 16 3

Its a new experience for me, a new thing to try out,
wrapping up my hands tight, my gloves in my bag.
I'm ready to see what this boxing club Is about,

we stand all together, working on our footwork.
I can already feel my breath start to dwindle,
but my adrenaline spikes and I carry on with a smirk.

I do a body spar, my body defence not exactly on par.
I take blow after blow, ow i actually feel a bit sick.
But its what i signed up for and in time i will continue to develop far,

one of my main goals was to see my self start to slim
and in these 2 months i see small progress start to show.
you know, its's worth all the stinging in my limbs.

As i look back i don't regret a thing,
as my fitness grows and maybe who knows,
I may one day end up in the ring.

A Boy from the Valley {Poems}Where stories live. Discover now