The Avatar State.

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As the group continues on their way to meet general Fung. Sokka kept them distracted by asking their newest member question, which the spirit walker gladly answered.

Sokka:"So how exactly do you know how to use all four elements again?"

Zoroa:"It's a skill all spirit walkers learn when we come of age. We set out into the four nations, staying one year in each, learn from the original benders how to control their respective elements. After that we return home where we are then taught to control our own spirit energy to allow us to shapeshift our bodies to better bend the elements."

Katara:"Wait, you can shapeshift and control all the elements?"

Zoroa:"Yes, but only for a limited time. And before you ask, no I can't teach Aang to master the elements, since our way of doing is far more diferent than your own. Also I don't think it's possible for him to shapeshift just yet."

Aang:"I guess your right....wait what do you mean by " not being able to shapeshift just yet?"

Zoroa:"Hmmm, have you been able to contact any of your past lives?"

Aang:"So far I've only been able to talk to avatar Roku."

Zoroa:"Ah, Roku! I remember him, he was a very good friend of mine. Wait a minute, he didn't tell you?( chuckle) shame on him. Well, we spirit walkers have actually aided acouple of avatar through out our history. In doing so we build a bond with the avatar so strong that in dire situations the avatar is able to call apon a spirit walkers energy, in wich we fuse with said avatar, changing their shape to that of a spirit and amplifing their powers greatly."

Aang:"Wow, that's amazing! I never knew I could do that! So did you and Roku ever fuse, since you were friends?"

Zoroa:"No, not really. Though I oferd, Roku dicided to leave us out of as much conflict as possible, so we never got the chance to fuse together."

After a while Sokka spoted the earth kingdom base as they all flew down for a landing.

General Fung was already waiting for them, and approached the group with open arms as he greated them.

Fung:"Welcome, avatar Aang! I am general Fung, and welcome to all of you great heros. Appa, Momo, brave Sokka, the mighty Katara, and-"

He stopped dead in his tracks when he noticed then massive white shirshu infront of him, but what got his attention was the boy atop of it.

Fung:"I-it can't be, y-your?"

Zoroa:"A spirit walker? Yes, my name is Zoroa, and this is Hatiri. We are acompning avatar Aang on his way to defeat the fire nation."

No one spoke, not even the wind moved. Everyone was in so much schock that a worker accidentally lit a couple of fire works, wich exploded once air born.

Sokka:"Uh, I think you broke them."


They were know inside the base as Fung and the rest of the soldiers were clearly nervous of being in the presens of the black furred boy. Zoroa on the other hand sat besides his new friends cane on his lap as he heard the general talk.

Fung:"A-avatar Aang, we were all amazed at the stories of how you single handedly wiper out an entire fire navy fleet at the north pole. I can't imagine what it feels like to wield such devastating power. It's an awesome responsibility. Not only that, you manage to convince a spirit walker to help you on your mission, truly impressive."

Aang:"I try not to think about it to much."

Fung:"Avatar, you are ready to face the fire lord now."

Aang:"WHAT!? No I'm not!"

Avatar :Return of the Spirit WalkersWhere stories live. Discover now