The Cave of Two Lovers

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After the fiasco at the earth kingdom base. The group had flown off to continue their journey to Omashu. After a while off flying they had decided to land by a river which gave Aang and Katara a chance to continue his waterbending training.

While the two practiced, Sokka floated lazily atop a leaf in nothing but his underwear, watching the two as Momo was curled in a ball asleep on his bare chest. Zoroa was at the shore off the river preparing lunch, much to their delight.

Sokka:You guys are gonna be done soon, right? We've got a lot of ground to cover if we wanna make it to Omashu today."

Katara looked at her brother incredulously as he laid on the leaf letting the current guide him. She placed a hand on her hip as she turned to him fully.

Katara:"What, like you're ready to go right now, naked guy?"

Sokka:"I could be ready in two minutes. Seriously, whenever."

Aang decided to bring Katara back on his teaching before he gets distracted by the smell of the spirit walker's cooking.

Aang:"So, you were showing me the octupus form."

Katara:"Right, Let me see your stance."

Aang did so as Katara took bit of time to look him over before seeing some errors on his stance. She walked up, got behind him taking ahold of his arms and guiding them to the right place as the airbender's face bursted in color from being so close to her.

Katara:"Your arms are too far apart. See, if you move them closer together you protect your center. You got it?"

Aang:"Oh, yeah. Thanks."

On the shore. Zoroa, who noticed all of this, grinned with a knowing smile. Aang turned his head from Katara before seeing his friend's smirk as he wiggled his eyebrows at him, much to his embarrassment.

Katara walked back to her original spot before turning back to him.

Katara:"Ok, let's see what you got."

Aang bended the water around him to form a mass of tentacles. Katara fired some ice shards at him as he used the tentacles to deflect them before chooting one out catching Kataras leg as she looked down in surprise.

Katara:"You make a fine octopus, pupil Aang."

The boy had now incased himself completely in water as he formed an octupus from it as he was seen dancing on the inside.

Zoroa:"(laugh)Take a break guys, lunch is ready!"

There was a gust of wind behind him, making his furred ears stand up straight. He turned around to reveal the trio sitting behind him expectantly with gleaming eyes. Zoroa almost jumped out his skin from the sudden site of them.


He began to take deep breaths as the trio looked at him concerned.

Zoroa:"Don't do that!(sigh) What are you trying to do? Send me to an early grave?"

Katara:"(embarrassed) Sorry. We were just exited to have your food again. Maybe, too much."

The boy gave them a deadpan look before chuckling while rolling his eyes. He passed the food to each of them with a cup of tea, even giving some to Momo, Appa, and Hatiri, who gladly ate it. He sat down with his share as the rest waisted no time a dug in to their meals.

 He sat down with his share as the rest waisted no time a dug in to their meals

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