Finally out of hospital wing

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I discharge out of the hospital wing today. And I'm sitting on my bed crying.

"Harry love why are you crying?" Draco says to me as he sits beside me rubbing my back.

"I really liked this dress!! And now it's ruined!" I bawl.

Draco laughs at me as I cry. I glare at him and he stops. Hmm. I kinda like being scary. Hehehehe. Hermione comes in with a new pair of underwear and a new dress. I jump up excited and forget about the old dress. I hear Draco snicker behind me and he catches another death stare. I'm skip my happy pregnant behind into the bathroom and change into it. It is a Griffindor red with the same neckline and length of the sleeves and bottom as the last one. I look at myself and smile. I rub my stomach looking at myself in the mirror. I look at my bright emerald green eyes to my dark brown messy head of curls.

I then look at my honey skin and my curvy hips. Godric why am I like this? Now I have a human poking out of the stomach I already hated. I sigh and make Draco give me a piggy back ride. He mumbles the whole time talking shit but I don't care. My feet hurt. And I'm pregnant. He shall do what I say! Let alone pregnant with his child!

We finally get back to the dorms and I sit of the couch by the fire and sit in a fetal position. I was about to talk to Draco and I find him gone. Damn it. He already left me! Busy mothertrucker. This is very upsetting. I sigh and get up again. Imma go visit Hermione and Pansy. Then imma go bother Blaise in Ravenclaw. My plan has been devised! I slide on my flats again and walk out of the portrait hole.

I am walking to Griffindor tower when I bump into a bunch Ravenclaws. Then I see Blaise. I jump in excitement. Because that's one of my best friends!!

"Hi blaiseeeeeee!!! How was classes today?"

I hug him from feeling overly happy about seeing one of my best friend. He hugs back and laughs.

"Your one hormonal dude Harry. But classes are okay. Do you know when you will be coming back to class?"

"Erm. I can come back today. But Draco won't let me. He disappeared after he dropped me off in the common room. So I know that he is not going to be happy with me when he finds out I was walking like this by myself anyways. But it's okay. I do what I want. Anyways. I'm going to go see Hermione and Pansy. Wanna come?"

"I'm going to go see Ron. Do you know where he even is?"

"Yep. He should be in the common room or in the kitchen. Have fun!"

I wave at him and keep moving to the tower. Once I reach the tower the fat lady immediately lets me in. I thank her and keep moving through the hole. I enter to common room and smile. I kinda miss it here. I lay my hand on my stomach and walk to sit in my chair by the fire. I sit there until I doze off. I'm so tired...


We walk through the portrait hole laughing until I see Harry knocked out on the couch. I stifle a giggle and elbow Pansy to look. She just full on laughs and that wakes up Harry. I give her that look that means come on now babe! Harry looks at us gives us a faint smile then starts nodding trying to not fall asleep. I sigh and sit beside him and let him lay down into my lap. I softly stroke his messy but silky soft hair. Then as he falls asleep I hear Pansy snicker.

"What are you laughing about love?"

"Oh Mione... Draco is going to kirk out when he notices Harry is missing... I can't wait to see that!"

"Well that would be quite funny. But I can't help but wonder where he disappeared off to. I do hope it isn't what I think it is."

Me and Pansy makes eye contact and say it at the same time.

"Theodore Nott."

I take a deep breath trying to calm myself before I start to overthink. Because that would not be good. After the war almost everybody that had a big part in it has had some type of side effect. Me I have severe panic attacks if I overthink too much. Harry has migraines and has gained a extraordinary amount of powerful magic. But he also can sink into such a depression he self-harms. He even overdosed a couple times.

Ron has gotten severe nightmares that only seem to cease when Blaise or Harry is around. Pansy has gotten mild schizophrenia that never goes away; and severe seizures is she is feeling too stressed. Draco? Well Draco has always had anger issues. But now he blacks out so bad nothing can restrain him. His magic becomes so aggressive that not even a full-body bind can hold him. Or a stunning spell. Only Harry can bring him back. That is a big reason why I'm so worried about him right now.

Remus and Sirius has gained severe attachment issues. Once Tonks had passed and little Teddy was left with them it settled kinda. But that does not stop their attachment issues from becoming out of hand. Once Sirius had gotten pregnant with Nemphus Molly Black things calmed down so much more. But can get a lot worse than people think. I honestly don't even know it is kinda backwards. Soon I hear Luna run in with Ginny. And they look at me with complete and utter worry and terror. The thing is with those two is they gained the power to talk to eachother inside their heads. And that can cause a lot of trouble when Ginny is up to no good as usual. And Luna just lost her friendly and talkative side. She is more introverted and doesn't talk much unless necessary. She is haunted by the memories of the war. And she will never come back from that.

"Help! We need harry!" Ginny rants out of breath.

"Yes he has gone completely barmy! Of the rocker! Cheese had slid off his cracker!" Luna blurts also out of breath.

Me and Pansy looks at her with a look that tells her that we are more confused than ever.


We all look at her in shock. The Luna we knew would not talk like that. Let alone raise her voice. And as soon as we registered what the hell she was talking about. Harry was already on his feet with his wand in his hand. You could feel his magic trembling off of him like waves in a hurricane.

"Take me to him Luna."

"Wait Harry what if he hurts you?!" I say with my voice full of complete worry.

"Draco will never hurt me or our Dino." Harry gently and faintly smiles at me and follows Luna and Ginny out of the portrait hole at a speed I'm sure he should not be going at.

Pansy looks shocked. That's when I shake her out of her trance and yell at her for us to follow them. Godric help me. I'm surrounded by a bunch of idiots...


🫧hello my sweet coot lips! Next update will be on July 1st! May be earlier! I never update at the time I set. I get too excited! 😅🫧

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