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"Help me out of this bed please Draco. I feel like I'm getting bigger by the day and I do not feel good about this at all." Draco helps pull me to my feet while shaking his head.
"Oh love. You're six weeks away from your due date. It's okay to feel this way. And I love your stomach and all of your marks. They are the marks of growing our child." I blush and give him a shy smile. I start to stretch and then I feel something dribble down my leg. I blink confused because I don't have to pee. I waddle to the bathroom while Draco is in the bedroom feeling weird.

I make it into the bathroom when I feel a cramp tightening my stomach. I gasp and try and catch my breath as it slowly fades. I blink again confused at what just happened. I sit on the toilet trying to regain my bearings. I stand after a while because if I don't move my pregnant ass I am going to miss breakfast. And I like food too much for that. I rub my tummy and gasp again feeling liquid travel down my leg like I just peed myself. And I stand shocked. Am I losing my bladder at this point?

Another bite of pain hits me just as Draco comes into the bathroom trying to brush his teeth. He froze on the spot as I connect what is happening. My jaw drops. They are too early! This can't be happening. Oh my goodness. I am not prepared. Oh Merlin. I'm having a kid. I waddle over to Draco and snap in his face trying to get him out of outer space. "Draco. I need you to grab the baby bag. We need to get to the hospital wing. I think I am going to labor." As soon as I say labor Draco faints. I grab into the door as another contraction hits me like a ton of bricks. I summon my wand and summon a patronus. I need to get to the hospital. The first person to bust in my room was Pansy.

She climbs right over Draco and heads to me. "Okay Harry I need you to take a deep breath. Do you know how long since your last contraction? Have you been counting?" I shake my head gasping as another contraction hit. I hear Pansy mutter under her breath and send another patronus to Madam Promfrey. She guides me to my bed and I shiver out of pain and the cold atmosphere. "Pansy? Aren't we supposed to be going to the hospital wing?" She shakes her head and explains that it is too dangerous to get me down those stairs.

And it would seem that I have already gone into labor while I was asleep. I started to panic. Oh god. I can't do this without Draco. I need him. Oh god it hurts. As soon as another contraction started a bunch of people bustled into the room. First it was Madam. She went straight to me running diagnostics and spells to check on me and the baby. Then Hermione who went straight for Pansy looking at me wide eyed. And then Ron and Blaise. Blaise was holding Ron in his arms. He looked completely unconscious.

When I asked why he told me he passed out when hearing that I was in labor. I smiled and gave them a thumbs up. It seems like they were both healing. But not separate. They were healing together. That's when Draco came around. He looked around the room and looked at me. He hustled over to the bed and kneeled beside me. I grabbed him by his tie and threatened him. "Listen you twat. You keep your dick in your pants or I swear to Merlin and Morgana. You will regret it. And I will cut your dick off." He smiles half heartedly after hearing my threat. I raised an eyebrow at him to make sure he knew I was not lying. I ground my teeth fighting off a scream while my stomach contracted. I hear Madam Pompfrey shoo everyone out of the room before kneeling in front of me.

"Harry dear. It seems your baby is crowning and you are ready to push. You must have been in labor for a long time dear. Now I need you to let Draco prop your head up and take off your undergarments. It's time to push." I let Draco rearrange me but I gasped again. But not from the pain. I am missing somebody. "I need my dad and pops. I need my parents here with me. Please Draco. I can't do this without all of you." I started to beg after seeing he was about to argue. I started crying as the pain got worse and looked at Draco in agony. I whimpered out a please and he gave in. He used the common room floo and the next thing I knew was Remus rubbing his scent on me trying to show me he was there and Sirius rubbing my hair and Draco holding my hand.

After 30 minutes of screaming and cursing Draco into next year we welcomed a beautiful baby girl into this world. The first Malfoy-Black was born. With the sweat pouring off my body like a waterfall and my ass dripping with blood it was over. My baby was here. My baby was born a couple days after Christmas. On New Year's Day. I raised my weak arms to take my baby waiting for Draco to cut the cord. I look at my baby and see her bushy blood stained silver-platinum hair and emerald green eyes. I start to cry and look at my parents.

"Oh god I did it. I did it. I brought my baby into the world. Merlin." I felt my pops tears on my face and he kissed my forehead. "You did Harry. You brought them here. She is here. And I'm so proud of you." I look up at Madam Promfrey who is sweating bullets; kneeling between my legs covered in blood. I blush once I realize where she is sitting and the view she was getting. "Oh don't be modest Potter. I'm just doing my job. And something tells me it won't be the last time I assist in the birthing process with you dear. So what is her name?"

I blush uncontrollably and turn my head to see Draco trying to conceal his smile by biting his lip. I feel Sirius tense and snarl. "Not anytime soon rat." Draco sneers back. "Anytime I want dog." I clear my throat irritated attracting the both of their attention. "If you want to argue I advise getting out of my room. I just pushed a watermelon out of the other end of my wand and you two are bickering like schoolchildren. If you do not wish to be hexed and your ass set on fire I advise you both to shut up and be happy for me." There went the nice thing I call silence. After everything quiets I sit and pretend to think.

Me and Draco never really talked about names. I am just glad I know the answer already. "Her name is Tara Estelle Malfoy-Black." I can already hear the sniffles coming from Draco. He kisses my lips and then whispers I love you while crying into the head of our baby. He didn't care that blood was getting under his fingernails. He didn't care about the blood in his long beautiful shampooed hair. He just cared about our baby.

After Tara was clean she was passed around as I passed out from exhaustion. She was born early. But she is completely healthy. When I had woke up I asked my pops and dad to help me bathe. I needed help and I didn't wanna ask Draco who was passed out in his bed with Tara beside him. They helped me into the tub and helped me manuver myself enough to bathe my own bloody bottom. My dad washed my hair and my pops rinsed off my body. I felt weak and exposed. I don't like depending on people to help me. But I will admit when I can't do things by myself. The hey helped me into another mom-diaper and some pajamas pants and a tee before trying to lay me down.

I didn't wanna lay down in bed anymore. I want to go to the common room and sit by the fire with a good cup of tea. They sat me down while Kreacher. He seems excited now that the baby has been born. Since the war Kreacher has been wonderful. He is still a grouch. But he has become a bit lighter since he lead the house elves into war. I thank the elf and doze off between my parents while sipping the tea. All I can think about is my wonderful. Beautiful. Baby girl. Tara.

Two years later

"I Harry James Potter-Black take Draconis Lucius Malfoy to have and to hold through sickness and though health." I Harry Potter Black am getting married. I never thought I would live this long. I am pregnant once again with a baby boy. My darling Tara is two years old. And I am 7 months with James. As we say our vows I can feel the tears flow down my face. He rubs one side of my stomach and the top of my hand. We graduated Hogwarts and started our Professions. I decided to go teach as the Defense Against Dark Arts teacher at Hogwarts. Draco has decided to become the new potions teacher as well. We work and live at our first home.

And it all feels like a dream. I picked out a stunning stainless steel band encrusted with emeralds and diamonds. They both represent our house and our eyes. But let's not forget the black steel band reminds Draco that he will always be my dark angel. Draco picked out an exquisite ring. It was white gold and with a stunning pear shaped diamond in the middle surrounded by sapphires and emeralds. We slid the rings on each other's fingers and looked in each others eyes as we were allowed to kiss. "I now pronounce you Mr. And Mr. Malfoy-Black. You may kiss the groom." I have been through a lot in my life. But the good keeps overpowering the bad. I have a fabulous dark angel and amazing family and a marvelous kid. The life I want keeps building and I have never been happier. "I love you my moon." I beam at Draco and smile. "I love you my dark angel."


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