Where are they..

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Ok so this may be pretty bad.

"Human come play with us" Raon said flying around Cale

"Yes, yes i am comming" Cale said, apparently the children had been telling him to play with them since morning.

---In The Garden---

"Lets play hide and seek nya" Hong said, happy that his Fathe- Cale had come to play with them.

Cale had a bad feeling about this but, ignoring that feeling, he started to count to 100.

"1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8..............99,100. I am comming!!" Cale shouted with all the energy in his body, yes Cale had drunk a lot yesterday with Taylor, Cage, Bud and Glenn and so Cale had a very bad hangover.

Cale searched for them but couldn't find them. Cale, after an hour of searching was worried and he told the elementals to look for them, but he was somehow unable to talk to the elementals.

Cale worried, went inside to find Eruhaben to look for the kids but no avail as Eruhaben too wasent to be seen anywhere.

Cale tried to find Choi Han, Alberu, Bud, Glenn, etc. apparently everyone one of Cale's allies and friends had come to his villa. Cale didn't know why but Cale had totally panicked.

'Where are they'

'Have they left me?'

'Do they hate me?'

'Did they abandon me'

'Everyone hates m-'

Cale thoughts were stopped when suddenly he heard footsteps and not just of one or twi people, but of multipe people. Cale even heard the fluttering of wings and suddenly-



"Dear Dongeang we knew that you wouldn't remember your own birthday, so we made a plan to keep you busy while we do this. And here are two golden plaques for your birthday."Alberu calmly said as he handed Cale two golden plaques.

Before Cale could utter even a single hug they all hugged him. Tightly.

Cale then burst into tears and everyone tried to calm him down. Cale then celebrated the rest of the day with his family, friends and allies.

Everyone had brought wonderful gifts. And Beacrox told Cale how, while making the Cake, Choi Han had burnt and destroyed the kitchen.

Next all of them went to loot stuff and when they returned Cale got blessings from many gods.

This truley was the best day in his life......


"Dear Cale-nim this lowly servant of yours will definately record every moment in our birthday make a live broadcast for the whole world to see. BWHHAHHAHAHBHAHAHHABAHHAHAHAHHAHAHABAHAHHAHABAHAH!!!

And yup the whole world did end up seeing this and Cale beated the shit of of Clopwb the next day.


I hope you all liked it byee.


Edit: I re-read this and wow this is super cringe, i originally wanted to make this an angst one but since i am not good at angst i decided to make a happy ending which is truely cringe asf.

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