Chapter Two

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You woke up to Jenna getting up.

"Sorry I didn't mean to wake you" she softly said.

"It's fine" you groaned getting up yourself.

"You hungry?"

"A little" you said

"I'll order us some food, pizza maybe?" She asked.

"Yeah sure"

Jenna ordered some pizza as you went to grab a glass of water.

"It'll be about 25 minutes they said" Jenna walked into the kitchen where you was.

"So.. Tell me" She stated. "Explain everything to me and I'll try to understand"

You knew what she was on about and so you started. Jenna listened and tried her very best to understand as much as she could.

"They've hurt me not just mentally or emotionally but physically" you ended .

"WHAT?" Jenna screamed as her jaw dropped open.

You lowered your head.

"Your never going back there and I will make sure of that" she promised you.

Suddenly the door bell rang.

Jenna went to go see who it was and came back with your pizza.

You placed the box on the table opening it up. Your stomach growled making you both laugh.

After finishing your pizza, Jenna suggested that you both go for a walk. You agreed and got dressed in the clothes you brought with you.

As you walked, you talked more about your situation and Jenna offered her support and advice. You felt relieved to have someone to talk to who understood you.

Suddenly, you saw someone from your past. It was one of the people who had hurt you. You froze, but Jenna noticed and took your hand. She led you away from that person and back to her house. You were shaken up and Jenna stayed with you to make sure you were okay. You felt grateful to have a friend like her in your life.

"I think I should teach you some self defense techniques y/n, it's better to be safe than sorry especially if people's hurt you physically" Jenna admitted. You agreed.

You and Jenna headed to her garage where there was enough space. She got out a mat and a punching bag.

"Alright warm up by punching that" she pointed towards the bag.

You did as you was told and punches the bag as she watched.

"Good but put your hands like this" she instructed you coming over.

She stood behind you taking your hands in hers to show you how to do it. Your heart was racing as you felt a funny feeling in your stomach.

After a while you guys decided to stop.


You were scrolling through your Instagram feed when you saw a post from Jenna. She had shared a picture of a beautiful hiking trail with a caption that read, "Who wants to join me on a hike this weekend?"

You immediately looked over at her before messaged her, telling her that you would love to come along. You had always wanted to explore the nearby mountains but hadn't had the chance yet.


On Saturday morning, you and Jenna headed down to the trail. She had brought a backpack filled with snacks and water, and you both set off on the trail.

The hike was challenging but rewarding. You climbed steep hills and crossed babbling streams, stopping every so often to take in the breathtaking views of the valley below.

As you walked, you and Jenna chatted about everything from your favorite movies to your future career plans. You felt grateful for her friendship and the chance to spend time together in nature.

After a few hours of hiking, you reached the top of the mountain. You sat down on a rock and took in the view, feeling proud of yourselves for making it to the summit.

As you were packing up to leave, Jenna turned to you and said,

"You know, I've been thinking. We should plan a camping trip together. We could spend a whole weekend exploring the mountains and sleeping under the stars."

You were hesitant at first, but Jenna convinced you that it would be a fun and rewarding experience. You both agreed to start planning the trip and even decided to invite a few more friends along.

Over the next few weeks, you and Jenna worked hard to prepare for the camping trip. You researched the best campsites and hiking trails, and even bought some new gear to make the trip more comfortable.

On the day of the trip, you were nervous but excited to explore the mountains with your friends. You spent the weekend hiking, roasting marshmallows over the campfire, and telling stories under the stars.

"Don't burn your marshmallow, y/n" Jenna laughed.

"Whoopsy" you laughed along.

Suddenly she took the marshmallow out of your hand.

"My marshmallow" you pouted.

"Eat" she laughed again feeding you it.

"Tasty" and you laughed along once again.

You was having so much fun you wanted this to last forever.

By the end of the trip, you were exhausted but happy. You had made new friends and created memories that would last a lifetime. You looked over at Jenna and smiled, feeling grateful for her friendship and the adventures you had shared together.

Her! (Jenna Ortega X Female Reader) Where stories live. Discover now