🐉The Great Seven🐉

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You were awoken by the sound of laughter. You opened your eyes and nearly panicked at seeing you weren't in your home on Berk or your hut on Dragon's Edge. Until you remember everything that had happened yesterday. "So it wasn't a dream...?" You quietly asked yourself.

"'Fraid not, dearie." You looked to the side to see the three ghosts you had befriended last night. They smiled. "Good morning."

You waved. "Morning." You heard (D/N) yawn and stretch before climbing off of her stone slab so she could pad over to you. She nuzzled you and you gave her a few pats. You heard some mumbling beside you and looked down to find Grim, who'd curled up in the bed next you. You began to gently shake him. "Wake up, Grim. We have to clean the school, remember?"

He pushed your hand away. "Five more minutes..." (D/N) huffed and swatted his stomach with her paw. "GAH! HEY!" Grim yelped. The ghosts laughed at him.

You heard footsteps and turned towards the door of the room to find Crowley. "Good morning, you two-" (D/N) hissed. Crowley cleared his throat and corrected himself. "Uh, three. Did you sleep well?"

Grim crossed his arms. "I was all sprawled out and then I fell out the bottom." He huffed. You heard your Night Fury companion snicker.

"Well, I slept great." You said. It was true, you had just had one of the best rests of your life. After all, vikings didn't have plush beds like this one. They were just wood.

"Wonderful, my dear!" Crowley clapped his hands together with a bright smile. "Now, down to business. I came here to speak with you about your work for today. Let us proceed to the lounge." He beckoned you to follow him from the room, which you all did.

Once in the lounge, he turned back to you. "Today, you are to clean the campus. However, seeing as the campus is quite large, I recognize that it would be impossible for you to clean it all without magic. Therefore, I would like you to just clean Main Street, which is from the main gate to the library. Understood?"

You nodded. "Sounds good to me."

Crowley nodded back. "Oh, and please watch Grim very closely. I wouldn't rather there not be a repeat of yesterday." He glared at the little monster.

You saluted. "Understood!"

Crowley smiled. "I'm counting on you, my dear. And before I forget, you are free to have lunch in the school's cafeteria. Now then, make sure you work diligently! Have a good day!" He waved goodbye and walked off, out the door.

Grim huffed, crossing his arms. "No way am I gonna be doing any cleaning." He said with a scowl. "I wanna go to classes and learn how to use a bunch of awesome spells!" He began making noises to demonstrate what he thought using these 'awesome spells' would sound like.

You shook your head. "That's not your choice to make." You told him. "But if you really want to learn some new stuff, we could stop by the library when we have some down time." Your words earned you a few indiscernible grumbles. You grabbed him and tucked him under your arm. He hissed at you, but quieted down when (D/N) growled. You turned to the ghosts. "We'll be heading out now. We'll see you three when we return." They nodded and waved you off.


You had (D/N) land when you spotted what you believed to be Main Street and hopped off her back. Grim, who you'd been holding in your arms, looked like he was about to puke. "What a ride... I never want to do that again..." He whined.

You chuckled. "I suppose riding a Night Fury would make for an intense first flight." You set him down and he wobbled a little. You then looked around. The street's sides were lined with seven different statues. You curiously scrutinized them. "I wonder who the statues are of." You wondered.

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