ⅳ― TWO

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two, graveside

Lando stood before Edie's grave, his heart heavy with longing and grief. The cemetery was quiet and still, the air tinged with a solemn atmosphere. He knelt down, tracing his fingers over the engraved letters of her name as if seeking solace in the cold stone.

In the stillness, memories of their time together flooded Lando's mind, and he yearned for her presence once more. He whispered words of love and longing as if hoping that somehow, Edie could hear him from beyond the veil.

With a mixture of sorrow and desperation, Lando searched the surroundings, as if expecting to find her standing there, a flicker of hope in his eyes. But all he found was the somber landscape of the cemetery, reminding him of the finality of her departure.

The weight of his loss pressed upon him, threatening to consume him whole. Lando's heart ached, knowing that no matter how much he searched, Edie was no longer physically present. She had become a part of the earth, forever resting in this sacred ground.

Tears welled up in Lando's eyes as he whispered brokenly, "Where are you, my love? Why did you have to leave?" His voice wavered, carrying the depths of his sorrow and the unspoken questions that lingered in his soul.

"y'know Lando, talking to yourself isn't funny," Edie laughed, sitting on the bench

Lando's heart skipped a beat as he heard Edie's laughter, so familiar and dear to him. He turned his head in disbelief, his eyes widening with a mix of astonishment and joy. There she was, sitting on the bench, a radiant smile lighting up her face.

A surge of emotions overwhelmed Lando as he rushed towards Edie, his steps quick and purposeful. He couldn't believe his eyes, but there she was, her presence tangible and real. As he reached her, he dropped to his knees, his hands trembling as he cupped her face, feeling the warmth of her skin.

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