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Here drink your medicine.she said and handed me an glass of water and my medicine
Is that all?i want to be discharged,no one will take care of mon.
No means no dont be stubborn,you wont get out of here until you get better.
I can rest in my house.
Then sneak out?no.
I want to see mon.
She's at your mom's house.
I know tell richie to bring her here.
His at work rest first.
Ive rest enough,bring me mon.
Your like an older version of mon,so stubborn.she said and pinched me
Is your wife not looking for you?
I already told her where i am.
Beck!?!Nat suddenly entered
Nat?why are you here?i asked
I asked richie where you are,what happend?freen thanks for taking care of beck,you can leave now.he said and smiled
Uhm i cant?im taking care of her?
Im here now i can take care of her?
Do you know what kind of medicine she have to drink every hour?
Ok you win,do you need anything?

Its been a few months since i did not see mon while freen's taking care of me...its suspicious since she's always with me 24/7 if she have her own family,now im finally better i can finally see mon and work again!.

Mon someone wants to see you!my mother said as i heard mon running
Monmon!i said and immediately hugged her
Mami missed you so much!!!i said and filled her face with kisses
Mami daday said she took care of you while your sick
Yes she did,lets go now?i asked
Lets say bye bye to grangran and popop.i said as we walked to them
Thanks for taking care of mon ma,pa.i said and hugged her
Take care of your self ok bec?she said and kissed my cheeks
Bye popop!bye grangran!she said as we walked away and entered freen's car
Yay!daday!mon said and hugged freen
Where do you want to eat?freen asked

Mami what's that?she asked
Its salmon baby,you cant eat this your allergic.i replied and continued eating
Daday's also allergic.freen replied and smiled at mon
Mami's allergic with thai noodles!mon too!
Mami can we buy candies before going home?
Of course,grangran said you behaved while mami's gone.i said and smiled
Will daday stay with us?
Daday needs to go hom-
Of course you want daday to sleep beside mon again?freen replied

We arrived at home while freen carries mon as she sleeps
I opened the door and went up to mon's room
Freen placed mon down to her bed as she layed beside her
Your not going home?i asked
Well,mon wants me to stay.
Its alright ill make an excuse.
No its fine i want to spend my night with my child.she replied and caressed mons hair
Lay beside me please...mon said as i layed besides her
I wish every night is always like this...she said and slept again as i looked at freen whose already asleep

Mon and freen went down while scratching their eyes while i make breakfast
Good morning sleepyhead,come i made breakfast

I wonder if daday's life with her family is like this,must be so fun.mon said and ate her foods
Dont worry daday wont leave mon and mami anymore ok?
But sam wouldnt have an daday?
{ring ring}
What?!?!where what hospital!?
Ok im on my way,sam she's on the hospital i need to go.
Then go?
Freen your child needs you,hurry up!i said as she ran outside

Fee hours later
I was washing the dishes while mon's upstairs playing with her toys until i heard something fell
Mon?Did something fell?i then went upstairs and checked it untill i saw mon laying on the floor
Mon!!oh my god!!!
Beck!im home!richie called
Richie!!!!i yelled as I carried mon and went down
What happend?!
Sh-she was just playing and i heard something fell and i saw her laying in the floor unconscious.i said while crying

Doc?what happend?i asked
She must have fell really hard,if she dont wake up after 2 weeks,im sorry.the doctor said and left as i sat down and richie entered
What did she said?
If mon dont wake up after 2 weeks shes gone...i said and tears up as i stand beside mon
Ill call freen.
No dont,her child's also at the hospital dont bother her...
Here's the cctv record,she was trying to look at the window then suddenly the thing she's standing on fell.
I should've just watched her...i said and faced palmed
{ring ring}
Its freen.
{hello rich?can i talk to mon?}
I turned to look at becky and to mon
{hello?where are you right now?is that an monitor beeping-}
{call ended}
What is it?
She's asking where mon is...
Richie walked out of the room and immediately closed it back again
Whats wrong?i asked
If you dont want freen to know about this,lets change hospital,she's here.richie replied
O-ok ill ask for the nurse to change mon hospital.i said and went out

Hi i would like to change hospital,uhm patient name is kornkamon armstrong-
Becky?what are you doing here?freen asked
Alright maam kornkamon armstrong,3 years old, and will be changed to aveliana hospital,please wait for her doctor's approval.
What happend to mon?
Nothing?i visited an friend-
Named kornkamon armstrong and 3 years old?dont take me for dumb beck,what happend to mon?!
Dont make a scene here go back to your child!she needs you!
I have the rights to know what happend to mon!
Your child's condition is critical go back to her!i can handle mon!
Can i please get kornkamon armstrong's room number?im her daday.
Its 8 B-
Freen what are you doing!?she then went inside mon room and saw mon laying on her bed
What happend to her?she asked and walked to mon
Freen?!an random women suddenly entered the room
You!you mist be her mistress!!
I beg your pardon?!
I see you have an child with her?!
Im sorry do i know you!?
Im her mother inlaw!amelia's mother!yes they are married!
I know,so please step out of the room!
Freen your child needs you!not this mistake of your!
Get out...get out of my childs room while i still handle my anger....i said and clenched my hands
Oh why?cause its true?she's just an mistake child!
I immediately slapped the girl as freen stopped me
Get out of my child's room!im not asking for any of you concern!my child doesnt need you both here!
Your only doing this so freen could get concerned about you!and she will leave amelia again!do you even know how angry and sad am i to you and for amelia!my daughter go through lots of pain!
Why would i fucking care about your daughter!?shes not worth my time!you can have freen!mon doesnt need you here!i have allot of problems right now so dont be an fucking burden!!!i said and pushed them out and locked the door and went to mon
My baby...please wake up now...mami needs your hugs and kisses...


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