Chapter 2: Secrets

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Chapter 2: Secrets

Arabella's POV

Okay Ara, just relax.

There's no reason to freak out.

Oh what am I even saying? There's a tiny dragon creature burning holes into my soul with his beady little eyes. What the actual hell?

Fuck this shit. I give up.

I'm officially done.

I'm obviously way more tired than I thought. So, I might as well just go home.

Yeah, that's a good idea. I'll just go home.

Except I took the bus here... and there won't be another one until the end of the school day.

Fuck my life.

It'd be so convenient if I could drive right now. And had a car.

Fuck it. I'll just walk. It can't be that far, right?

I reach into my pocket to grab the one thing that hasn't let me down today. My phone. My precious baby. What would I do without you? Mwah!

I type my address into the Maps and route it for walking.

65 minutes?! God damn it! It didn't seem that long on the bus...

Well, I stand corrected. Apparently my phone can let me down. Fucking piece of shit. Can't rely on anything these days. This God awful school is too damn far from my house. My stupid eyes betray me. Make me see things that aren't really there.

Oh my God. Is this is what it feels like to die? Your body just starts shutting down on you?

Oh God here it comes...

I feel like I can't breathe. What's happening to me?


I clutch my chest tightly, trying to catch my breath.

No, no, no, no, no, no... I don't wanna go out like this.

It's too soon! I have so much life to live...

God? Universe? Whoever's out there, I'm so sorry for being such a little shit sometimes. I don't mean to be. I can change.

Before I knew it, I was practically sobbing on the concrete. I only noticed because it was starting to burn my skin with it's rough feel and sun heated touch.

Well that's embarrassing. I think it's safe to say I've officially lost it. And either this is some sort of weird purgatory or I'm not actually dying.

That's a relief.

I sit up, dust myself off, and turn my attention back to the peculiar bushes I had previously been focused on.

That creature was still there.

"What do you want from me?!" I shout at him.

Nothing. No response whatsoever. Rude little thing.

Suddenly he starts moving towards me.

No!! Why?

Why me? What did I do deserve this?

He obviously wants to kill me. What did I ever do to him?

"I'm sorry for shouting at you. Please don't hurt me." I beg through semi gritted teeth.

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