Chapter 3: It's Time

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Chapter 3: It's Time

Arabella's POV

Am I insane for believing I could get any answer of substance from this creature? Maybe.

Am I still going to try? Absolutely.

After the longest bus ride of my life (I'm dramatic and impatient), and a couple exchanges of 'hi' and 'bye' with my parents, I was finally home free and secure in my room.

"Okay. I need answers. You can't just tell me you were sent to me and nothing else. Please, give me something?" I beg to the small reptile now sitting on my bed. "I'm running out of 'yes' and 'no' questions to ask, please?"

He just sits there, gazing at me. Observing me and my pathetic pleas.

Okay. I see how it is.

I cup his small body into my hands and raise him up to eye level.

"What do you want from me?" I whisper shout to avoid causing unnecessary focus on what's going on in here.

That'd definitely provoke my parents into barging in here and how on earth would I explain to them that I found a dragon on my first day of school? Because that doesn't sound completely insane...

He raises his brows at me and I swear his eyes get bigger.

He shifts his head to the left side of me.

What's he saying? He wants to be on my left side?

I do as he says, or what I believe he's saying, and move him slightly to the left.

What does this thing want? To observe another angle of my face?

Strange. Very strange.

"Look I don't mean to get snippy but I really need answers so if you're just going to-"


This little shit just shoved his slimy freezer box tongue in my ear.

My ear feels like a fucking icebox.

Why? Why? Why?

This is the weirdest dragon I've ever met. Technically he's the only one, but still... what the hell?

What does he gain from doing this?

Before I could process another thought my head began to feel funny. It's as if... my brain was being... tapped into.

"I've been sent to you from the Diamond Realm. I'm sorry if I frightened you earlier. They told me that you were ready. I'm here to help you."

Holy shit!

That's not my voice. That's not even my inner voice speaking. I've never heard that voice before.

It's the dragon! It has to be. That weird, disgusting, little tongue thing he did. That's what it was for?

Gross. But honestly, I'll take anything at this point. I just want answers. Answers that don't leave me completely confused.

Like what the hell is the Diamond realm? Sounds so ominous.

"The Diamond Realm is one of the many realms magicals and creatures like me inhabit."

He did it again! I didn't even ask anything that time. I was going to... can he hear my thoughts right now?

"Yes, I can. This is how dragons communicate with other magicals on earth. Your atmosphere won't allow me to be verbal. I'm sorry if it confused you. I can only hear your thoughts for now. Earlier I could only hear what you were willing to share with me, verbally."

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