RUBY EYES (edited)

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15 days passed quickly. And today was the day I was supposed to get my nichirin blade. I had my uniform delivered to me the day before. I gave them two sizes bigger measurements because then demons can't predict my moves. The sword still didn't came so I went to my porch and sat down with a book to read. I was in the middle of my book when someone came. " Hello are you tsugikuni michikatsu? " A man with a mask asked. I put down my book on the table.

" Oh.. you scared me there.(cough) yes I am the one you looking for and judging by your look you are here to deliver my nichirin blade." I asked as my voice with a tint of curiousity of why he were a tengue mask. "My name is hotaru hagenezuka. ( I used tanjiro' s sword smith because idk who is michikatsu's sword smith. Let's just pretend this is hotaru's ancestor or whatever)

"I am the one who made your sword. Scarlet ore is found in mt.yoko. you see mt. Yoko is bathed in sunlight all-day and scarlet ore is made up of scarlet sand. This is a rare ore to find. Usually it takes two scarlet ores to make a nichirin sword and they usually are known as colour changing swords." He told. I kept trying to come inside. But he won't budge.

He kept going on and on about these swords non stop. "Wow this guy is really getting on my nerves." I was pissed about he not coming inside but ofc I didn't show it I had mastered my emotion less face and to hide my emotions and felling s a long time ago.

Then he finally stopped talking and finally revealed my sword. He told me to unsheath it sayin I am special and my family is working with fire like nonsense because of my long dark red hair. I finally unsheathed it and held it up wards. "It turned light purple. How strange." I sed. Hotaru is just observing it as I looked at it." Strange indeed." He muttered. " Would you like some tea Mr.Hotaru?" I asked. "Okay but I have to leave quickly.

Then we had some of my favourite tea. And then he left. I thought it would be a great idea to train because I still had time. I ventured out to the forest with supplies and my new blade with me. Oh how a big mistake going to the forest was. I walked for an hour before I had came to a good stop for training.

after I was done training I felt a presence near me. "Come out I can feel you " I sed with my unsheathed sword in my hand. Then suddenly I saw two ruby eyes. It reminded me of a cat eyes. "It's seemed that my own enemy 's brother is Infront of me. how interesting." Now revealed to be a man told. " I don't have a brother. Who are you and what do you mean by that your own enemy 's brother any way?" I bombarded with questions.

"Seems like you to don't get along . I sense great hatred & despise coming from you. And I am Kibutsuji Muzan. The demon progenitor." He sed while completely doging my last question. I stood horrified Infront of my eyes. I haven't gone on any mission yet here I am face to face in front of the demon king. " Hmmm I have an offer, would you like to become a demon. If not I will kill you." I thought about it if I became a demon I can revenge on my brother and father and be immortal.

If I do not agree I'll be killed. I definitely know that i am not strong enough to take him on a battle. Heck I won't even stand one second facing him. "Muzan sama give me a few years to train and be strong and healthy to take on your blood. I can be spy and bring you information about the corps." I told while kneeling.

"very well then. If I want to talk to me I will put a curse that can make us talk telepathically. This will hurt but our meeting will be never forgotten. Then he plunge his razor Sharp nails in my skull and I blacked out.
-----------------------------------------------------------hey guys here's your promised chapter. Hope you like it. Will post tomorrow morning.
Remember to be hydrate and drink plenty of water.
I love you guys very much

Your lovely A/n
~A/n chan~

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