Chapter One

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The Red Room Academy:

A young teenage girl stalked through the redroom academy the strong stench of blood and salt from tears filled her nose. She'd made it to a large oak door. Her dark brown hair fell still around her shoulders. The door opened to reveal Madame B. Kata made sure that before she even approached the door that her eyes were void of emotion and her face matching her emerald eyes. Madame B stared at the 16 year old before speaking.

"Зимняя вдова, у тебя есть миссия. Все, что тебе нужно знать, есть в файле. Я ожидаю, что ты добьешься успеха" (Winterwidow, you have a mission. Everything you need to know is in the file. I expect you to succeed). The brunette gave a curt nod and flicked her eyes to the manila folder on the large oak desk. She picked it up and went back to her soldierly position.
"Уволен" (Dismissed).

Kata turned on her heel and walked out. God that woman terrified her, she hoped to get her mind off of the encounter by seeing the new widows. As she walked past the hall, she stopped to see the young girls, no older than 4, bawl their small bloodshot eyes out, crying for their mama or papa to get them.

A small smirk made its way across the winterwidow's face however it disappeared almost immediately. She found the kids pathetic although it made her feel less negative so she didn't mind.
Kata's POV:
As I made my way to the room we slept in, I couldn't help but wonder if my parents actually knew I was here or even existed. All I knew was this place, except for HYDRA and the usual assassination or whatnot I realised that I had never been outside.

Before I knew it, I was in the concrete room and sat on my bed. I guess my feet took me there themselves. I read over my mission. I was supposed to pose as a new student at Midtown High, befriend a boy and bring back the Black Widow. My eyes widened slightly at that part. The black widow, she was the best assassin the redroom had ever produced, before she went rogue.

However, I knew that I could not fail this mission. Madame B was counting on me, all I knew was that I never want to face the wrath of Madame B again.
A young girl stood in ballet attire alone, the large mirror showed her slightly crooked nose bloody, she just wanted to be hugged by her mama. Madame B walked around the 6 year old like a shark circling their prey. Madame B quickly smacked the girl with a cane before leaving her there to cry.
End of Flashback:

' That was weird ' I thought to myself. I pushed away the thought, and reread the mission brief. I will not break my perfect record of completing all missions. I grabbed the duffle bag that lay on the edge of my so called bed and left. Walking down the halls, I could hear all sorts of sounds, some of my personal favourites are: screaming, crying, gunshots and the eeriness of the piano in the ballet hall. At this point my brain only had one target in mind; return Natasha Romanoff to The Red Room. I sat down on the hard metallic bench of the plane and witnessed the woman who was playing the role of my mother.

I mentally groaned when I saw her. Her dark brown hair and eyes were a stark contrast to her personality, which resembled a child on Christmas Day, I think. It made me want to push her out of this idiotic plane. Her beaming bright smile really pissed me off more than I thought possible. I mean we couldn't have looked less alike.

I could feel my eyes getting heavy with each passing second, so after much internal debate I slowly gave in to the wonderful world of unconsciousness.

Time Skip to after the plane landed:
I was awoken by a gentle hand on my shoulder, it was a split second before my training kicked in, and hastily twisted the hand to the attackers back, I heard a small yelp of pain and quickly realised that it was Mary. My actions stopped abruptly and I went to grab my bag before standing at the entrance of the door, my hands clasped behind my back, posture impeccable. However I stopped when I remembered that I was supposed to blend in, not be a soldier, my posture now slouched and my hands hanging loosely by my sides.

I stepped out to be blinded by the sunshine. My eyes readjusted speedily, as we walked my hold on the bag only seemed to tighten. Soon we made it to the block of flats where the spider-boy lived. "Your name is Katie." Mary whispered to me. Katie, ugh that name alone made me want to shudder, let alone having to act happy and innocent. I rolled my eyes as Mary set off to the stairs. Despite my legs protests, I followed suit. Finally, we stumbled up to the 7th floor.

Just as we were about to walk into the apartment, Peter Parker and his Aunt, appeared. "Oh hi, you must be new here. I'm May and this is my nephew Peter." The woman in a yellow top said. I made my way to the boy and extended a hand, he gladly took it. "Hi, do you know what uh what school you're going to?" He asked. "Oh, Midtown, I'm Katie by the way." I said with a convincing smile. "No way. Me too, do you wanna walk together tomorrow?" I internally wished to kill him now, but I doubt Madame would be happy with that. "Oh sure!" I said matching his enthusiasm. Me and Mary walked into our apartment after bidding our goodbyes.

My eyes widened as I made it to my room, the red room never decorates the bases. But this was amazing undecorated. The white walls blended perfectly into the bed and ceiling. I was exhausted so I flopped onto the bed face first. I let out a small gasp, it was like I was laying in a cloud. My hands scrambled to get to the duvet and cocoon myself in. My eyes drooped and before I knew it I was asleep.

Next morning; 3rd person POV:
The brunette awoke thanks to her nightmare, she was dripping in sweat and shaking. She recalled the events of last night in her mind.
A young Kata was sat on a large double bed with her mama and papa it was her birthday and she had just turned 5. Two burly men came in and Kata saw her mama and papa's eyes widen, the men roughly grabbed her parents despite their protests and punches, they both yelled bye to the 5 year old before the metal door slammed shut, leaving the girl in solidarity.
End of nightmare:
She racked her brain for any face of her mama and papa but came up blank. Kata shuddered before grabbing her ballet shoes out of her bag and began dancing to nothing but the howling wind. It was 6:30 when she finished, the assassin walked into the kitchen, her bare feet didn't make a sound it was as though it was an empty flat. She grabbed some 'Cheerios' whatever the fuck that was, and ate it, they were probably the nicest thing she'd eaten in a while. By 7:30 she was deciding her outfit, to convincingly play her role of Katie, she picked a pink top which was probably the softest thing she ever put on, and some baggy jeans with trainers.

She left after Mary had gone over the plan, how she wanted to carve her 'aunt's' heart out. The teenager finally made it out of the hell hole before coming face to face with Peter Parker. She quickly smiled (although it was fake) and walked out of the apartment with him.

A/N: ahhhhh first part bitches!! Was it good? Too long, too short? If you any suggestions on how to make it better pls let me know, have an enjoyable day :)

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