Chapter Three

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Kata's POV:
"Дрейков, что я могу для тебя сделать?"(Dreykov what can I do for you?) I said, my voice void of emotion. "English, my widow. Now, how is that mission of yours coming along?" He asked. "Well. I just need to gain his trust and then the rest of our plan will be in motion." I responded, anticipating what was next. "Well, HURRY my widow" Dreykov yelled desperately, before hanging up. I sighed rubbing my hands over my face.

Truth be told I didn't wish to leave. I believe I found a sort of home here and Peter was kind and could become a friend. A real friend. And Mary could be my mother. However I was an assassin, I was not to become attached to people or places. I stood up and walked into the kitchen, plopping on the bar stool. "Hey, I heard the phone call. Everything ok?" Mary asked with a small smile on her face. "No." I replied coldly. I quickly stood up and walked into my room. I ran through the plan in my head, and began phase two.

I was supposed to get Peter to trust me enough to show his identity, however if that didn't work a group of soldiers would come and try to 'kidnap' me he would come and call Natalia for help as all other avengers would be unable to be contacted. I found this plan highly elaborate and extra but well it was Dreykov's orders. I got ready for the day and grabbed my backpack. "Hey Pete." I said as we walked towards the lift. "Hey Katie." He did a weird wave being Katie I waved back with a small smile.

We grabbed the subway and walked to the school. I was by locker when a poster was shoved into my chest, grabbing the flyer it was a party from Flash. "Hey Pete, you uh going to this party?" I asked. "Uhm, yea if aunt May says so, what about you?" He replied, fiddling his fingers. "Yea I'll go if you are" I responded with a small chuckle. I enjoyed this, it was nice to be like a real person and not just and assassin. Although I know this won't last long. I was supposed to get Natasha Romanoff back in two days. I've come to realise that Pete won't trust me enough ever. I have to do Plan B. I hate this.

Time skip brought to you by my lazy and sleep deprived ass

It was now time to go to the party. Granted it had already started but we didn't want to be the first ones there, I wore a blue denim skirt paired with a white crop top and a pale pink cardigan. My knife and gun were securely stashed on my upper thigh. I smiled as I remembered when I first used this knife.

Flashback 3rd person:
A young Kata stood looking at a bunny toy in the middle of the road. "Excuse me sir." The mini assassin said. "What's up little one?" An ex HYDRA member asked. "Could get me my teddy?" She said. The man nodded and walked into the empty road, the small brunette pulled out a gun and with shaky hands shot him. The 5 year old missed, she grabbed the knife that was there for back up, the scarlet hourglass imprinted on the handle, she threw but this time she didn't shake it hit him, directly in his heart. She yanked the knife from the pale body and decided to keep it. The knife became her trademark weapon from that day.
End of flashback.

I slipped the knife in its holster and walked out. My minimal make up amplifying my features. I grabbed the keys off the kitchen counter and bid goodbye to Mary. Maybe she wasn't as bad as I thought, over the past few days I've come to tolerate her more oh and she make the best food. I knocked on Pete's door and waited.

Peter's POV:
I heard Katie's knock on the door. She was there in a gorgeous outfit and I felt slightly embarrassed in my jeans and T-shirt. "Bye May!" I yelled into the kitchen. I heard a faint bye so we left. We walked the short distance to Derek's house, the music was really loud and my heightened senses made it worse. I saw Katie looking with a shocked expression, I suppose she wasn't used to these. We walked in and Katie immediately grabbed two red cups of beer. She downed around half of hers in one go with a straight face. Wow.

It was very crowded and I hated it, Katie didn't seem to enjoy it either. "Air" is all I say before speeding out of the house. Katie's footsteps follow soon after. "Hi" her voice was gentle and caring. "Hi" I responded. "Your not enjoying it are you? Why don't we head back to yours. You know I've never had a sleepover or watched Star Wars." She just read me like a book. My eyes bulge out of my head as I hear the last two things. "C'mon I'll show you Star Wars" I respond, my voice is now full of enthusiasm. She smiled slightly and took my hand.

We ran out of the party and began walking down the road, we were chatting about anything and everything. The block of flats were now in sight and I headed into my flat, May was working and I grabbed two hoodies, some snacks, my laptop and some blankets. "I got the supplies" I said to Katie before we walked to the rooftop. It was cold and I handed her one of the hoodies "Thanks Pete" she said as she smiled. My heart fluttered slightly at the nickname and I placed the blankets down on the roof before sitting down and opening the laptop.

Kata's POV:
As we watched this weird program I felt at peace. I want to tell Peter everything, that I'm a Black Widow and that I was sent here to bring back Natasha. I wanna live like this, with no worries and hanging out at night on rooftops. "Peter, I gotta tell you something" my voice broke slightly as I said that. Why was I feeling this fucking emotional? Compose yourself Kata I thought. Peter perked up as I said that and I shook my head lightly, trying to think of an excuse. "What's up Katie?" his voice was kind and I didn't like that. "This Star Wars shit isn't too bad." I state. That was oddly believable. I have been lying since I was like 6 though. The movie ended and I felt sad, I had never watched a movie before. A small, hot tear fell down my cheek and a soft hand wiped it away. "Thanks Pete" I said genuinely. I think Peter likes me in a romantic way but I can't like him back, my mind flashed to that memory.

Kata and a blonde girl walked side by side to where Madame B was waiting. "Alonya. Kata" the woman said coldly. "I hear that the pair of you are... Dating. Is this true?" Madame asked angrily although her face remained stoic, the brunette looked to the blonde, fear was present in their eyes. The older woman handed Kata a gun. "Your the better assassin, terminate her." Kata looked horrified, she pointed the gun at her girlfriend and her finger hovered over the trigger. Alonya smiled weakly and nodded before blowing a kiss to her lover, she gave her permission. Kata shot her, the sound rang in her ears as Kata fought the guards that had come to take her to her room. Kata wanted nothing more than to say goodbye, she lost her mother, her father and now her lover. She vowed to never love someone again.
End of Flashback

I remembered how happy I was with her, not once had I ever felt in love with a man. I liked girls.

A/N: I'm so sorry that it took this long to get another part out, but I did it :), anywho I hope you like it and I'll try to update more often <3

The Winterwidow's DaughterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora